The Start of Something New

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Kay followed Agent Hotchner to his office. She looked around her and saw a group of people laughing and talking and eating donuts. One tall lanky boy was putting more sugar in his coffee than even Kay did. Which was saying something.

Hotch noticed her watching them and said, "That's the team." She looked at them and smiled. They all seemed like great friends. She just hoped they saw her that way. She wondered though, How come Hotch wasn't down there laughing with them? Where was he going when she tripped and fell on him? The memory of the event brought another flush of red to her cheeks. She climbed up the steps to his office and went in when he opened the door for her. He followed after her and sat down at his desk. Kay couldn't help but notice how interesting his office was. Tall book shelves filled with books about law and various plaques and awards decorated the walls and the shelves above his computer. She could probably build a basic profile on him just from his office but Kay knew better than to profile her co-workers.

"So, you've been transferred here from Texas, under Karl Silver's authority?" Hotch asked as she got her files from her messenger bag and handed them to him. He glanced over them and looked back at her. "Why didn't anyone call to notify me that you were coming? I know I approved your transfer three months ago but I heard nothing back so I assumed you had changed your mind."

She bit her lip and tried to remember, "I think you guys were gone on a case when they called. They left a message but it must not have gotten to you. I think Mrs. Strauss approved it but I don't know why she didn't tell you. Also, the reason it took so long is because I also had a killer to catch," She answered. It was true and that case really sucked, a pedophile had assaulted and killed three young boys before they finally caught him.

"There isn't a BAU in Texas and you said you've done this kind of work before, What exactly did you do?" He asked. Kay knew that he already knew the answers to all of these questions

"Well I was technically just a regular FBI agent but I pretty much was the BAU in Texas. I did a lot of what you do I just did it alone and I didn't have my own unit with a fancy name," She smiled. He quirked an eyebrow at her.

"Impressive," he said and she blushed again.

Yeah you are impressive.

Kay, stop  talking to yourself. 

She looked out the window of his office and she noticed the team was looking and pointing their way. "I think they saw me come in, " she said. He rolled his eyes when he turned and saw his rambunctious team members smirking at him and giving him a thumbs up. Hotch closed the blinds in his office and turned back to his attractive new member. He threw her file back on his desk.

"Well it all looks good to me, of course we will have to process it all but I think you're good to go. When do you want to start?" He asked.

"Whenever you need me," she replied.

Just then a blonde woman burst through the door. She looked at Kay for a few seconds then back to Hotch and said, "We've got a case." He nodded and told her to assemble the team.

He looked at Kay,"I guess you start now."

You Make Me Smile (Hotch Fanfic) *Completed* #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now