Solving the Mystery of Talent and Crime

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"Okay, so what kind of unsub are we looking at?" Morgan asked.

"We'll he's probably been either largely neglected as a child or abused physically or possibly both," Hotch said.

"And most likely sees every parent as their own. It's also possible that the parent may have died which could be the stressor," JJ added.

Kay thought about for a minute. They kept referring the unsub as man but that just doesn't seem right. "I think it's a woman," Kay said.

They looked at her, "Whys that?" Hotch asked.

"Well it's just the way she talks, she said in the letters 'I'll take care of them'. I don't think a man would be so worried for the children's welfare," She said hopping her new team didn't think she was stupid.

"Actually now that I think about it she does have a point. It may only be apparent from a woman's point of view but it does sound like a woman and women are known to kidnap children," JJ agreed. Kay smiled, she was glad someone saw her point. She really needed to gain some credibility with her new team.

"Alright so we're looking for a fairly young woman, age ranging 25 to 35. Probably was once married but either split up or divorced. She was most likely neglected and physically and verbally abused by a parent and that certain parent probably died not long before the kidnapping started," Hotch gathered.

"Oh, it's also possible that she isn't able to physically bear children and that could be another possible stressor," Kay added. They all nodded and agreed they had what they needed. "So we've still got an hour before we land. Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself Newbie," Morgan suggested. Kay smiled and asked, "What would you like to know?"

"Favorite Colors?"

"Purple, Black, and Green."

"Favorite movies?"

"Any action or superhero movie. Avengers, Transformers, Star Wars, Star Trek," she listed. He nodded and smirked oddly. "What?" she asked.

"I don't know I just thought most girls were into like the Notebook and the Titanic and all that sappy stuff but you sound like a nerd," he grinned.

"Trust me Morgan, I am not like most girls and that sounds cheesy. Also, I've never seen either of those movies. I think the sappiest thing I've seen is Twilight," she laughed.

"But just because I say that don't think that I believe I'm better than other girls because of it like most do." 

He nodded in agreement.

"Favorite Music?"

"Rock and country mostly. My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Blake Shelton."

"Hidden talents?"

She laughed, "I don't have talents really," she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. Hotch turned to her from where he was once again sitting next to her.

"Everyone has a talent. Is it gonna take a profiler to figure out what your's is?" He asked with a small smile.

She bit her lip and thought about it, "How about this, whoever can figure it out by the end of this case gets something," She offered.

"What's on the table mama? Whatcha planning on giving away?" Morgan asked.

She shrugged, "Whatever you want."

He smirked. "Deal. You're gonna regret this decision newbie," he promised. But no one had ever guessed her talent so she was safe right?

Then Kay noticed the looks on the faces of her teammates.

She wasn't so sure now.


Hotch's POV

Karen Alison Travis.

Or Kay.

Wow. She was something else. He knew when she fell on him that she was going to be something else. She's outgoing and and happy, smart but humble, and she really understands what she's doing. Not to mention she is absolutely stunning

Big blue eyes and thick brown hair that came down past her shoulders. Light brown freckles spotted across the nose and cheeks of her pale face. The way she literally blushed at everything was really cute. She was intelligent and her insight is going to be a valuable asset to this team.

She was laughing and answering any of Morgan's stupid questions. She always evaded and edged around anything having to do with her transfer so something probably happened to her that she isn't ready to talk about. It doesn't matter, Hotch would give her all the time she needed to get over whatever happened. He doesn't think he's yet over what happened to Him.

And Hailey.

Jack was the only thing that kept him together some days. His adorable little son really was amazing. Hotch will get past it someday but today he had two missions.

1. Solve the case.

2. Figure out Kay's secret talent before Morgan does and makes her regret it.

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