Why am I in a Garage?

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Kay woke up feeling groggy and her head was throbbing painfully. She tried sitting up but she couldn't move. Everything was disoriented and fuzzy. All she could see was walls moving and a single hanging light above her. Hold on... wait a minute yeah it seems to be some kind of building like a large shed or a garage.

Why am I in a garage? She thought.

She remembered talking to Garcia and then looking around the parking lot for Mitchell and then something hit her on the head. Oh crap.. the Unsub. Kay pulled at her arms again. She was tied down with rope. Her head still ached horribly what had he hit her with? Probably the butt of a gun. She's got to get out of here. Her vision started coming together and she got a better look 'round. There were shovels and equipment all over so definitely some sort of shed or work space. Not big enough to be a garage and there wasn't a garage door. The Unsub works as a janitor at the FBI building so of course he wouldn't have enough money for a garage. He probably had some sort of beat up old truck any way.

Kay managed to lift her head high enough to see she was tied down to some work table with a plastic sheet underneath her. To wrap her body in or to catch some of the blood. The urge to escape just got stronger. She twisted her wrist but the ropes were pulled tight and all it did was burn her wrist. She was trapped. This not good. This is so not good.

"It's okay, calm down Hotch is gonna be looking for you," Kay whispered to herself. Hotch... she missed him and his rare but special smiles. Someone groaned and that put Kay on full alert.

"Please! Let me go!" A woman yelled.

"Hello? Are you Gabriella?" Kay asked but she couldn't see her.

"Yes! Who are you, can you help me?!" Gabriella asked frantically.

"My names Kay and I'm with the BAU but I'm tied down to a table so I can't help you," Kay replied glumly.

"Are we gonna die Kay?" The woman said barely loud enough for her to hear.

Kay sighed, "Absolutely not."

An hour or so passed and Kay and Gabriella got to know one another. It was the only thing to do at the moment. Turns out Gabriella is getting married in a few months. Kay envied her that. She didn't think she'd ever find true love at this rate. Especially not if she died now. "Listen Gabriella my team has to know I'm gone by now and they will find us."

"Maybe but will they find us dead or alive?"

Hopefully alive, she thought but didn't say anything. Then the door swung open to reveal their captor.


"Garcia do you have anything yet?" Hotch asked as he ran his fingers through his, usually on point, hair.

"Nothing sir, somehow this creep got his records wiped from the system so I don't know where he lives," Garcia answered exasperated.

"Keep working Garcia." Hotch hung up the phone and shoved it back in his pocket.

Where did you take her you little -,

"Hit!" Morgan came running over waving a piece of paper.

"I got the address that Mitchell was living at before he dropped off the grid and changed his name."

Hotch grabbed the paper and started legging it towards the door.

They will find her alive.

I'm sorry this is short! I will update sooner this time. I've been kinda busy with school the last few weeks. 

QOTD: Whats your secret talent?

AOTD: I sing well that's not really a secret but i'm told I'm very good. Also I play the piano but truthfully writing is my secret talent because none of my family or friends ever get to read what I write XD Consider yourselves special lol. 

Please feel free to tell me what your talents are in the comments below. I love you guys- Jet

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