A Family

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Millie was sitting criss crossed with Baylee sitting criss crossed across from her after Baylee had put Millie out of breath.

"So you realize by dating me you're adopting a whole family." Millie said.

"I know. But you have to remember I liked you before I knew. And I still loved you after." Baylee said. They were holding hands and Millie could feel herself falling deeper and harder in love with Baylee. Millie grinned.

"So you know a lot about me. But I don't know a ton about you." Millie said.

"I've got a pretty awesome dad. Um my mom is a psychopath and somewhere I have an unmet little sister who was adopted out." Baylee said.

"Do you want to meet her?" Millie asked. 

"Never really thought about it. She'd be eleven this year so she's not too young." Baylee said. Millie pushed Baylee's hair back a little. 

"So I know you don't probably want to talk about this but Jacob wasn't the only one who... y'know..." Baylee said. Millie sighed and held both of Baylee's hands in each of hers. She looked down a little. 

"No he's not. They used to take turns." Millie said. Baylee gently tucked some of Millie's hair behind her ear.

"Yeah well I have a brother whose in jail. He did the same sort of thing but to me." Baylee admitted. Millie looked up at her.

"Really?" Millie said. Baylee hopped up. 

"Yep and one night it got bad and he pulled out a gun." Baylee said than lifted her shirt. Millie first eyed Baylee's abs than finally saw a scar, a bullet hole scar.

"Oh my God..." Millie said. Baylee sat back down. 

"Yeah. But time heals this kind of stuff. I'm just glad you're out of it." Baylee said.

"Me too... and that I met you  and that you, my ex crush now girlfriend, liked me back." Millie laughed. Baylee grinned. Millie smiled than suddenly it faded and she was wincing. Her hand rushed to her belly.

"Millie?" Baylee said.

"It's ok it's just a contraction." Millie said through gritted teeth.

"Millie breathe." Baylee said and Millie gasped for air. Millie moved to where she was sitting in Baylee's lap facing her. She wrapped her legs around Baylee's waist and rested her forehead on Baylee's collar bone. 

"Is this normal?" Baylee asked and rubbed Millie's back.

"Yeah... well I mean occasionally." Millie said.

"Can I feel?" Baylee asked. Millie placed Baylee's hand on the spot than rested her arms on Baylee's shoulders.

"Whoa" Baylee said.

"It's pretty cool the first time you feel it but it gets old fast." Millie said.

"Well for you maybe." Baylee said. Millie groaned.

"Three more months to go." Millie sighed.

"Only three?" Baylee said.

"Yep." Millie said. Baylee gently rubbed the side of Millie's belly. She'd rub and then freeze when Millie tensed up and whined through a contraction. An hour passed and Millie was sweating.

"It's never gone on this long..." Millie grunted.

"Here why don't you lay down and get more comfortable. Maybe it'll help." Baylee said and stood. She carefully laid Millie down. She turned on the fan and grabbed Millie some loose clothes. Shorts and a short sleeved shirt. Baylee helped Millie sit up.

Baylee lifted Millie's shirt off. 

"Cooling down?" Baylee asked. Millie nodded. Baylee slowly reached and unlatched Millie's bra.

"Is this ok?" Baylee said.

"Yeah." Millie nodded. Baylee pulled Millie's bra off than put the shirt on than did her pants.

"This feels a lot better." Millie said than with Baylee's help laid down.

"Good." Baylee said hopping onto the bed. 

They fell asleep and the next morning Baylee woke up and felt Millie's arms wrapped around her. 

Baylee could tell Millie was awake.

"You're cute but we need to get up." Baylee said. Millie opened her eyes.

"Why?" Millie said.

"Well for starters you need to tell your parents about this baby so we can get you into doctors appointments." Baylee said. Millie nodded her head no and hugged Baylee hiding her face. Baylee gently pushed her away.

"I wasn't really asking. If you don't go it puts you and the baby both at a risk and I'm not having that." Baylee said. Millie huffed and rolled over angrily. Baylee hopped up.

"Come on." Baylee said. Millie ignored her. Baylee went to the end of the bed and pulled Millie by her feet to her, taking Millie a bit by surprise. Baylee held herself inches off of Millie.

"I don't want to." Millie said.

"Well if not now then when?" Baylee said.

"Never." Millie groaned.

"So what are you going to tell them? You're gonna get bigger." Baylee said. She was right but Millie hated that she was right.

"Fine." Millie sat up annoyed.

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