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Tyler walked into the tall and somewhat intimidating building. He knew what was behind the doors of the building.

"Hello, what would you like today?" The receptionist asked.

"Uh.. I want a session," Tyler flushed.

"Have you been here before?" She asked politely. He shook his head. "Alright, I'll need you to fill out this form and I will get you someone. You can sit in the lounge chairs over there," She smiled while pointing at the red, soft chairs.

He flushed as he read all the questions about what body build he likes and what he's into. Somethings he didn't know so he had to look them up before making a choice.

When he finished the form he handed it back to the red lipped receptionist. Tyler sat back down in one of the red chairs, leg bouncing as he was nervous. He heard a pair of feet come up to him.

"Well, I have found a 'dom' for you for some of your sessions, this is Joshua." The receptionist spoke. Tyler's face went red as he saw the man in front of him. He was muscular but not like crazy muscular. His hair was curly and blue. He wore a tight fitting shirt with his whole right arm filled with tattoos.

"You can call me Josh," The man spoke while having his hand out to shake Tyler's. The smaller shook Josh's hand.  "Wanna follow me back and we can talk things over?" Tyler nodded and messed with his sleeves on his sweatshirt as he followed the man to his designated room.

Tyler sat on the smooth bed that took up most of the room. Josh read over the paper. When he was done he had a small smirk on his face.

"Kinky, hm?" Josh spoke. "You don't look like the type of person to have so many kinks but many people don't," He spoke with his warm voice, sending chills down Tyler's spine. "We need to go over safe words or safe motions cause sometimes you won't be able to speak,"

Tyler's face was super red at this point. He nodded.

"Give me a word that comes to mind,"

"Daddy," Tyler spoke instantly before freezing up and hiding his face in his hands. Josh smirked, putting his knee on the bed between Tyler's legs. He moved Tyler's hands away from his face.

"It's fine kitten, you can use that name  later, do a different word, "

Tyler whined at the name.

"Red," He spoke.

"Is that okay for your safe word?" Tyler nodded. "We need a safe motion for, an example, if I..." Josh spoke while lightly wrapping his hand around the back of Tyler throat and giving a slight squeeze.

Tyler moaned quietly as he did that. Josh watched as Tyler's eyes grew dark in lust. He smirked at him.

"Give me a motion kitten," Tyler tapped Josh's thigh twice. "Good boy," Tyler shivered at the compliment. "Do you want a session today?" He asked while gently moving his knee against Tyler's crotch, listening to his moans. Tyler whined as he threw his head to the side. "Give me an answer kitten,"

"Y-yes," He whined. Josh could already see he was going into subspace and he loved it.

"Wanna go more vanilla for the first time?" The dom asked quietly. Tyler whined at his voice and nodded again. "Choking okay?" He asked which he got a nod from again. Josh parted Tyler's legs and rested his hips against the youngers. Tyler whined and wrapped his arms quickly around Josh's neck.

The dom chuckled lightly before rolling his hips. Tyler was gasping and already starting to sweat. Josh gently places his hands on the tan boys hips, pushing his hands up his side under his shirt. Tyler whined at the feeling of Josh's warm hands dragging across his side. Josh removed Tyler's shirt and flicked one his nipples getting a big reaction of Tyler arching his back heavily and whining.

He laid Tyler down onto his back, pinning the youngers wrists above his head and gently kissed down his neck. He listened to all the little choked moans Tyler made.

"Aww, look at how tight your little stomach is, so cute." Josh smirked while running his hand along his stomach and pelvis. Tyler whined loudly. Josh chuckled and he pecked down to Tyler's chest. He kissed over the sensitive boys nipples, earning noises from him.

The Dom palmed Tyler while gently nipping at his neck. The younger back arched again as he let out a moan.

"C-close- ah," Tyler whined.

"Already bunny? So quick," Josh almost teased. The sub nodded. Josh pushed down Tyler's jeans and boxers at once and runs his finger through his slit. Tyler moaned loudly as Josh messed with the head of his dick.

He squirmed on the bed as his breath in picked up.

"P-please s-sir, 'm so close," Tyler whined while bucking his hips up.

"Go ahead, doll," Josh responded. The sub whimpered and came in Josh's hand. "So good for me, hm?" Tyler nodded. Josh grabbed a washcloth, going over to the connected bathroom. He ran warm water over it.

He cleaned Tyler up as he came down from his high. Josh went to help Tyler up before the smaller cuddled into him. He held him for a little bit.

"Are you okay? Did I do good?" The Dom asked. Tyler nodded. "Okay. It's about time to go alright? You can always come back if you'd like. You can talk to the receptionist out there if you'd like to have me only as a Dom or to schedule again, alright?"

Tyler nodded against the olders chest. Josh grabbed the clothing that laid on the ground and helped the younger since his legs were still a bit shaky.

"Th-thank y-you," Tyler stuttered out quietly.

"Anytime doll," The older spoke. Tyler shivered at the nickname. He messed with his sweatshirt sleeves as he was lead out to the front.

"Would you like to schedule for another session?" The receptionist asked calmly. Tyler nodded. "Joshua again?" He nodded again. "Alright, is next week fine with you?"

"Y-yeah, and u-uhm can-can he be m-my Dom?" He asked quietly with a blush on his face.

"Of course! I can put that in for you. Alright, you will be texted with a reminder from us for your next session. Have a good rest of your day!" The red lipped lady cheerfully spoke.

"Y-you too," Tyler responded as he left the building, wondering what he just got himself into.

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