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Tw: use of safeword and a mention of a pill (just wanna be safe incase anyone could get triggered by it💗)  stay safe guys

Josh walked down the creaky wooden stairs to the basement hearing Tyler's cries and whines. He walked over to where Tyler layed with his hands tied behind his back and a gag tied around his head.

Tyler tried to say something but it was muffled and quiet. When Josh neared he took off the gag,


Tyler whispered and Josh looked at him confused but still took off the restraints and realized that the vibrator was still going.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry, I swear I turned it off but it must have been out of reach," Josh told him. He looked over to Tyler's side and saw a puddle of cum there. Tylers body shook before he came again. He heard his baby weakly yell with pain. Tyler cried at the pain that coursed through him. Josh gently moved the smaller body and layed him on his lap.

Tyler couldn't fight back because he was so weak and tired. He didn't want to be near Josh after the torture he went through the night. Josh started to put boxers onto Tyler before the boy whined and kicked his legs.

"P-please, don't, it hurts so bad," Tyler whispered. Josh nodded before gently kissing Tyler's lips.

" 'M so sorry bunny," Tyler cried out as Josh ran his hand down the side of his thigh. His body was so sensitive and he got turned on again. He cried into Josh's shoulder before gently moving his thumb over his insanely swollen tip before he came again with a scraggled scream. Tyler held onto Josh tightly as his body shook so painfully from his high.

His muscles were sore from each orgasm he had. Josh carried Tyler up to their bedroom and started the warm water for a bath. Tyler sobbed as his thighs continued to shake 2 minutes after his last orgasm. His legs hurt so much from repeatedly shaking for hours. When Josh finished setting up the bath Tyler went to stand before his knees buckled beneath him. He fell to the ground before Josh could get to him.

He whined when he felt like yelling in pain but his throat hurt so much from moaning repeatedly.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry," Josh told him while bringing him into a hug being careful of Tyler's lower region. Josh helped Tyler stand on his shaky legs to lay down in the bath. Tyler was absolutely exhausted, he maybe only got 30 minutes of sleep, but even then he was knocked out from the amount of pain he felt.

Josh gently washed Tyler, being super careful so Tyler didn't have to cum again. Tyler was knocked out by the time Josh was finished washing his hair.

Josh smiled at the younger who was slightly drooling in his sleep. He grabbed a cup of water knowing Tyler will be thirsty when he wakes up. He dried off the boy and brought him to their bed, letting him rest until he'd get up himself.

The older went down the stairs tot their kitchen and started to make food for Tyler when he wakes. He didn't know when he would so he put the pasta in a container and shoved it in the fridge. He ate some himself since he hadn't eat yet today.

He felt horrible. Tyler had to suffer all night while he soundly slept. He didn't know Tyler would have suffered for that long, if he did he would've immediately stopped the buzzing. He barley ate as all he felt was guilt.


Josh shot up from the position on his couch as he heard a cracked scream. He sprinted up the stairs to see Tyler laying in their bed panting and whining.

"What's wrong baby?"

" 'M had a wet dream, it hurts." He told him after almost screaming as Josh pulled him into a hug, his dick hitting Josh's thigh. His eyes watered and he dug his nails into Josh's shoulder. He hurt so much and was sensitive to any little touch. Tyler whined as Josh picked him up and laid on his back.

Josh gently kissed Tyler's lips as the boys thighs were still shaking. When they stopped shaking Tyler whined at how sore he was. He massaged his thighs, not wanting Josh to incase he did get turned on again.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't want you too suffer." Josh told him while tearing up a bit to the idea of Tyler being in such severe pain.

"I know you didn't mean it, but it hurts so much." Tyler told him with his soar throat.

"You want a Tylenol?" Josh asked while rubbing his spine. Tyler nodded against his chest and Josh carefully shifted himself for Tyler to lay down. He grabbed the empty cup that held water.

He grabbed the Tylenol from the bathroom and got water from their fridge, the tap didn't taste good at all. Josh laid the pill in his hand and put the water on the bedside table. Tyler took it and smiled at Josh who was playing with his nails, a nervous habit of his. He went to sit up before Josh ushered him to stay laying down, not wanting him anymore hurt.

"I love you Joshie," Tyler said while hugging around his neck.

"I love you more Tyjo," Josh chuckled at the nicknames. The younger smiled into his neck.

Joshler Smut/Smut one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now