Chapter 1

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         The trio of girls slowly climbed out of the small car they  had been trapped in for a few hours, one of them grumbling out under their breath.

   "That sucked. Stupid cars getting smaller and smaller. Ugh."

The others groaned in agreement, stretching themselves out. The petite girl that had gotten out from the driver’s seat- Eriathwen -unlocked the trunk and the girls all went to it, grabbing out their bags and equipment. Once they had everything out and ready to go, Eriathwen got back into the car and drove it into some thick brush, concealing the car from sight. Trying hard to contain her excitement, she got out and quickly walked back to the other girls; taking some of the equipment and setting off down the cracked street with her friends silently. A thick, ominous fog swirled around the girls as they made their way down the road, turning at a bend and coming into view of the building.

   Gasping, Eriathwen looked up at the twisted wrought-iron fence, seeing the large, dark asylum caged behind it like a menacing creature locked in a cage. "I can't believe we're here...Mount Massive Insane Asylum..." The trio stood in front of the gate, awing at the gigantic building standing before them. Eriathwen pulled her small video camera out from her shoulder bag, turning it on and moving it from side to side in front of her slowly, getting her first view of the asylum on tape. After a few more minutes the three split up in a silent agreement, looking for ways in. Eriathwen turned the light from her camera on, shining it across the gate, trying to see any openings but having no luck. She heard her friend Kari yell to them from a bit of a distance away.

   “I found a gap in the fence guys! It will be a slight squeeze, but It should work." Eriathwen made her way over to where she heard the noise, seeing Kari on the other side of the gate and her other friend Anya making her way through. Once she was standing with Kari, Eriathwen began sliding them the bags and equipment through the hole, crawling under herself once she was finished. They all stood still once more, just staring up at the beast in front of them. Eriathwen smirked and looked over at her friends, who curiously glanced at her, the excitement apparent in each of their eyes.

   With a bright smile, she dramatically whispered out,  "We're here." 

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