Chapter 4

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Tweek sat on Kyle's couch, it was cold outside, hell, it was cold in there! But what really stung was the incident with Craig and Kenny.
Tweek and Craig has been dating for years, but as soon as Kenny got hot Craig cheated on him.
Kyle had been being nice, too nice...
That's when Tweek noticed Kyle's hat sitting on the sofa next to him.
Huh, Kyle's hat.... oooh he's gonna get it now! Tweek thought.
Kyle came into the living room holding a plate of pizza bagels.
When he saw Tweek, he almost dropped the plate.
Tweek was staring right at him, their green eyes locked together.
Kyle's soft, red hair bobbed whenever he made a movement.
Tweeks blonde hair was completely covered by Kyle's green hat.
He's... so .... cute... Kyle thought. But he's fresh from a breakup , I just need to be the supportive friend.
However, not even Kyle expected what Tweek said next.
"Y-ya know... I n-never got why p-people th-think gingers are c-c-creepy... I th-think they're k-kinda cute." Tweek admitted.
Kyle's mouth dropped open at the remark.
Tweek was the only thing in Kyle's life that he could depend on not to be out with someone else.
Kenny was always with when he was alive.
Stan was with Wendy.
Cartman was with Heidi.
But everyone left Kyle sad and single.
"Y'know Tweek, i always found spazes really cute..." Kyle confessed. Fuck! Why tf did I just say that!?????!!!
Tweek giggled which drove Kyle insane. He was very proud that he hadn't said anything even more stupid.
Kyle smiled very sweetly at Tweek and said.
"Craig was an idiot. If I had an amazing, beautiful, smart, interesting boyfriend like you, I would never cheat on you with some hoe!"
Tweek giggled again and said. "C-come 'er big b-boy, we d-don't have to be s-s-single."
This made Kyle fucking lose it.
He dropped the plate of food.
The ceramic plate broke, but Kyle stepped on the broken glass while only wearing socks.
Tweek looked worriedly at Kyle's bleeding feet, that is until Kyle was only a few inches away from Tweek.
Kyle sat next to him on the sofa and tucked his knees under his legs.
The two boys looked at each other for a moment.
The pain in Kyle's feet was gone.
All he could think about was Tweek.
His soft, delicate, blonde hair is tucked under my ugly, green hat.
His gorgeous green emeralds could have been with anyone else's eyes, but they chose my gross, mildew colored ones.
His sweet, gentle, coffee scent was masked by the intense stench of my shampoo! I should rinse my hair better...
I'm so ugly, and he is so perfect, yet he chose to be with me...
While on the other hand, Tweek was thinking the same about Kyle.
The ginger decided to make the first move, he leaned forward a little so that he and Tweek were only half an inch away from each other.
"Gimme my hat back." Kyle groaned jokingly.
"T-take it back... l-l-lover boy."
At this Kyle couldn't handle it anymore, he pressed his lips roughly against the shorter boy's.
This was Kyle's first kiss, but he was doing it perfectly for Tweek.
The blonde boy wrapped his arms around Kyle's neck and let the older male dominate him.
Neither of them wanted to go all the way, so they just had a very heated make-
out session.
(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ
Craig walked to Kyle's house, he was a bit upset about Tweek's parent's reaction to him... but he wouldn't let it ruin the only relationship he actually cared about!
Craig rang the doorbell, but nobody answered.
He held the flowers in his hands patiently for a minute before he rang it again.
That's when he heard Kyle shout. "GO THE FUCK AWAY!!!" He felt his heart sink.
He knew Tweek was in there.
He decided to be a creep and look through the window.
He expected to see Tweek crying or yelling and Kyle trying to soothe him, but what Craig saw was MUCH worse.
They were on the couch.
Kyle laying on top of his boyfriend, Tweek's arms around Kyle's neck, Kyle's hands underneath the green hat that Tweek was wearing, their legs intertwined, their lips stuck together, eyes closed.
Craig wanted to yell, he wanted to scream, but he couldn't make any noise as he sat there and watched the love of his life make out with another man.
After a few moments, he ran away.

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