The next day at school, Kyle was kneeling with one hand on Ike's shoulder.
"Are you sure you don't need me to walk you to class buddy?" Kyle asked his adopted brother.
"I'm fine." Ike replied.
As soon as Ike said this, Tweek came running up from behind with a history book.
He smacked the living crap out of the back of Kyle's head with the book.
"S-stop tricking me!" He yelled.
Kyle rolled over on the floor and tried to sit up.
"Ah Tweek! What the hell?! Got damn!"
"I-I said, s-stop t-tricking me!" Tweek replied shakily.
At this point everyone had gathered around them in a circle.
"No one is t...tricking you. Oh fuck." Tears began to form in the corners of Kyle's eyes.
Tweek lowered the book and wiped his own tears away.
"Please, p-please stop t-tricking me..." Tweek whispered.
"What the hell is going on?" Kyle asked, trying not to yell because Tweek was so upset.
"L-look, I l-loved c-c-Craig... But he ch-cheated on me. I d-don't wanna b-be in another one s-sided r-relationship."
"Ugh Tweek! I thought I had done something wrong!" Kyle exclaimed.
Tweek looked confused so Kyle continued, he stood up and walked over to Tweek.
"Don't stress, I love you too." And with that, he pulled Tweek into a sweet hug.(☭ ͜ʖ ☭)( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) (☭ ͜ʖ ☭)( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) (☭ ͜ʖ ☭)
Craig has been in the back of the circle.
He sighed, knowing that Tweek was better off with Kyle than with him.
As soon as Craig turned around, he saw something he didn't expect.
The same Kenny that had died yesterday.
The same Kenny that had been beaten to death by Craig.
The same Kenny that ruined his relationship!
That Kenny, the same good old "kinky Kenny" was standing at his empty locker.
He looked over at Craig and smiled like everything was normal, but Craig could tell it wasn't real.
A real Kenny smile was sweet and genuine and sent shivers down your back.
But now Kenny looked depressed and half dead.
"Hey craigster. Yeah, you probably don't wanna see me anymore hun?"
He asked. His voice was cracked and covered by his hoodie.
"Kenny." Craig was able to say. He was shaking and his throat was dry.
"I'm so sorry Craig. I know you loved him but-"
"Kenny I saw you die." Craig interrupted him. He said it so quickly that only Kenny heard him.
What Craig didn't expect was that... Kenny started crying.
Craig has never seen Kenny cry before!
The blondes teal blue eyes were full of tears and his face was bright red.
Kenny put his hands over his face to try to hide it but Craig pushed them away.
"Kenny.... I killed you." Craig told him. "Maybe it was just a dream..."
"No Craig. You remembered. You remember me dying."
Craig was so confused he just let Kenny keep going.
"I die everyday, but no one remembers. I died of being hit by a train when you were walking me home last Christmas.
I ODed when you and I tried drugs together. I've been tossed around and forgotten for so long... I barely even remember when I die anymore." Kenny finished.
Craig couldn't believe his ears. "Y-you die everyday?" He asked.
Kenny nodded sadly.
Craig pulled Kenny closer to him.
"You do stuff to me." Craig whispered in his ear. "You make me mad. You're a little shit. But for some reason I love you. I tried to apologize to Tweek, but besides the fact that he and Kyle were making-out, I could only think about you."
"You're bad, Tucker. You're a bad,bad man." Kenny told him.
"Guess I need another bad boy to keep up with me." Craig responded, looking deep into Kenny's eyes.
"I'm a bad boy huh?" Kenny asked.
"Ya didn't notice!?" Craig exclaimed jokingly.
Kenny had his seductive face on.
"Then let's do something... bad." Kenny said in a sweet voice.
"What do you suggest? Ya lil whore?" Craig liked being 'dominant' the 'top' but Tweek always felt uncomfortable when Craig would talk dirty to him, however, Kenny enjoyed it.
Kenny smiled at the nickname. "I'm gonna show you something fun, daddy."
Craig gulped and felt a knot form in his stomach as Kenny grabbed his hand and pulled him into a broom closet.
"I wanna be the bottom." Kenny said immediately.
Craig smiled. "You don't have a choice."
He pinned the smaller boy down and kissed him passionately.(⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀) ╯︵ ┻─┻ (⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀) ╯︵ ┻─┻
Craig and Kenny came walking out of the closet.
They both tried to act normal but deep down they both knew that nothing would be the same again.
Kenny didn't just feel lust, he also genuinely seemed to care about Craig. He put his hood up to hide the hickies
"asshole." He mumbled as he examined the bruises on his shoulder and neck.
Craig felt bad, he still loved Tweek but something new had happened.
Kenny was a lot like Craig. He could keep up with Craig where Tweek always struggled.
They looked at each other.
Kenny leaned forward to get a kiss, but Craig pushed him away jokingly.
"You better not have given me any STDs." Craig joked.
"Oh yeah! You should've used a condom. Now you've got 'em all!"
"STDs, gotta catch 'em all!" Craig sang.
"Now you have Herpes, aids, Gonorrhea..."
Craig laughed but Kenny looked back at him, dead serious.
"Ooh..." Craig stopped laughing. "You're not joking are you?"
Kenny simply shook his head 'no'.
"Goddamnit, McCormic!" Craig yelled, Kenny simply laughed.
"Can't kill me if ya can't catch me!"

How to hide feelings. Crenny
أدب الهواةCraig and tweek are dating. Tweek hates Kenny. Craig and Kenny start to get feelings for each other. "This is not gonna end well..."