The begining

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My name is Conneta, Conneta Dagent. I'm a softmore at Hendel George High. My life is nothing much to talk about. I am a simple girl, my grades are sky high while friends hell low. My mom is a biochemist at Glenden University and dad a Marine Biologist. My life was a like a calm still ocean until one day a tsunami came in to destroy it.

It was a regular Monday morning and I was in my advanced algebra class solving some quadratic equations. As I was to submit my paper there was an annocment by Vice Principal Alexandra. "My young students, I wish you a splendid morning I have some important news for you my young kids. Kirsty Kooter a famous fashion designer and my dear friend will be coming to our school to choose one boy and one girl to be the stars of few of her up coming shoots and then who knows you might end up a fashion star. Have a good day my young idiots..... I mean friends. "

When class was over and I went to collect my chemistry books I saw Crystal and her gang partying as Crystal is the most beautiful girl in school. Crystal Canger, the most beautiful and popular girl in school. What she din't know that it's not only outer beauty that matters. "Hey loser arn't you gonna congradulate Crytie" spoke up Tanya Gonsalves. "Watch it or you are going to fail economics"I spoke up annoyed. She shot me dirty look and left. I could hear Crystal speaking to her "It's k gurl she's just jelly. Only hot gurls can enter not nerds like her. Now quit cryin or your mascara will spoil". After hearing that Tanya rushed to the washroom to apply more. Who knew this wasn't just a beauty competition.

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