I Wish I'd Never Been Born (1)

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          It's a gloomy yet casual day at the DWMA. Kid and Crona sat at a bench to eat lunch. "Y- you made peanut butter sandwiches? They'e my f- favorite." Crona smiles at the perfectly symmetrical displayed lunch. "I know they are Crona." Kid said softly with a little giggle. "I love you."
             Crona's eyes swelled up with tears. "Crona what's bothering you? Is it me? Was it Blackstar again?" Crona fell into Kid's arms. "I wish i'd never been born." Kid wiped the dark tears from Crona's cheeks. "Don't give me that... just tell me what is making you feel this way."
            "Kid- IM PREGNANT!!!" Crona burst into tears and choked on their breath. Kid was shocked, but remained calm. He didn't want to make his love feel any worse than they already did. "Crona, I..." Kid stopped for a moment to rest Crona's head on his chest. "I don't know how to deal with this right now."
             For what seemed like forever the two sat at the benches holding one another. "Crona... eat." Kid lifted a sandwich to Crona's mouth. Crona grabbed it and took a small bite in between each shivery teardrop. "Crona... we will get through this. We have fought armies, defeated witches, there's nothing we can't do." Kid stood up and grabbed Crona's hands. "We can easily get through a pregnancy."
               "We're fifteen." Crona let go of Kid's hands and hugged their own legs close. "We're in school still, we have no money, no experience... I mean, nobody even knows we had- "  Kid sat back down. "Kid, I love you, but if we have a child, the combination of you and all your grim reaper stuff and my black blood... this baby is gonna be-" Kid jumped up. "BRILLIANT!!" he exclaimed."Our baby will be the perfect little bastard for the academy."
                 Crona stood up with him. " I can't let this baby be hurt like i was. If we do this, let's be the best parents we can be." Crona lifted their pinky. "Promise?" Kid smiles and shook pinkies with them. "I promise."
               Back at the academy, the two of them stood silent. "Kid I wanna go home." Crona whispered during their boring lesson on death scythes. Kid raised his hand. "Professor Stein, may Crona and I go and see Lord Death?" Stein raises an eyebrow and smirked. "I suppose..." The class whispered. The two walked out quickly.
"Father?" Kid felt so awkward telling his father. "I know... I know..." Lord Death looked at Crona. You got them pregnant. "How'd you-". Crona looked in Lord Death's mirror at their baby bump and collapsed in tears. Crona was getting thinner lately, and and that made the bump obvious. But Crona couldn't handle this. Any of this. "CRONA!!!" Kid immediately comforted Crona. "Don't worry, Crona. The two of you will manage. On the bright side, that's gonna be quite the kid." Kid was infuriated. "Father! Crona can't do this! I can't!" Lord Death remained calm. "It was your decision to get Crona pregnant." Kid looked down. He had just realized what he had done in another perspective, yet again. Just then, Ragnarok appeared from Crona and spoke his mind. "Damn Kid, our of all the hot girls at DWMA you decided to do Crona?!? HA!! I'm surprised you've got feelings for this sensitive piece of crap!!" "RAGNAROK STOP IT!!!" Crona continued crying, more intensely this time. Ragnarok left. "Come Crona..." Lord Death said more serious this time. "Now Crona, your mother, Medusa had manipulated you, and you never really had love in your childhood. You have black blood and well, Ragnarok, and my son has OCD and is a grim reaper. This child is going to be a miracle baby, so don't take the clothes hanger if you know what I- " "FATHER!!" Kid comforted Crona and escorted Crona to their dorm. "Good luck you two!"

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