The First Few Months (2)

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          (MONTH 1)       "Crona my love, I made you some waffles, let's get up and ready for school." Kid gently rubbed Crona's shoulders. "Okaaaaay" Crona sighed. Crona sluggishly ate the waffles and got ready for school while Kid made the apartment more symmetrical. The two walked to class. 
            "Hey Crona... hey Kid..." Maka smiles at them. "Hey Maka... can you keep a secret?" Crona held the baby bump. "Oh, silly the whole school already knows. "WHAT?!?" Kid nearly fainted. "If people know I'm p-pregnant, I don't know what to do..." "WAIT CRONA'S PREGNANT?!?" Blackstar ran to the friend group. "CRONA HAS A-" "BLACKSTAR SHUT IT!!" Patty stuffed a cupcake into Blackstars mouth. Crona ran to the bathrooms in tears. Kid ran along with them. "I'm sorry Kid, I put you through all this with the baby... Kid kissed Crona softly. "It wasn't your fault, understand?" Crona nodded and the two hugged.
                         (MONTH 2)
            Crona woke up at 4:00 am throwing up. "UGH I HATE MORNING SICKNESS!!!" Kid held Crona on the bathroom floor. "I'm right here my love. I'll always be right here." Crona fell asleep on the floor in Kid's arms. Kid's phone started ringing.
            "What do you want Liz?" "Hey Kid you two should come play basketball with us." "You do realize Crona has a baby in their body right? You can't play basketball pregnant." "Oh please than she can watch." "They don't like being called he or she so please don't-" "See ya kid." Liz hung up.
             Kid drove with Crona over to the basketball court. "Hey Crona, Hey Kid." Maka smiled. "LETS PLAY, IM GONNA BEAT ALL YOU GUYS!!!" Blackstar boasted until Tsubaki kissed him to shut him up. "Dang Tsubaki..." Kid was surprised. They all played basketball while Crona watched and Maka read.
             "You guys coming over for dinner? I'm making ramen!" Maka asked. "Of course, only problem is Crona's got a pregnancy appetite, so make extra food." "HEY!!" Crona's face turned red. When they got to Soul and Maka's room, they waited for the food and made small talk. Just then, Crona started feeling pains. "Ouch! It feels" Crona screamed of pain. "It's black blood rejection. That can only mean one thing." Soul called to the kitchen. "Maka! Get over here we need you."
              "Hmmm let me check the baby's soul." Maka concentrated. "There's...well..." Maka was concerned. "There are two grim reaper souls... and they're identical." Kid nearly fainted. "Symmetrical twins. I must be dreaming." Crona smiled vaguely. "But they're gonna have... black blood."

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