Chpt:4 Bonding and Traps

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Lance POV

Ever since we played truth or dare Keith has been avoiding me. When I would walk into the room he would walk out. When I ask him to train he would say he just finished. I tried asking Shiro, but he just said "Keith is a complicated person. Right now all he wants is to talk to you." "If he wants to talk so bad then why does he keep avoiding me." "That's for you to find out." Then Shiro just walked away. Leaving me with just more questions.

So now I'm trying to find pidge. I looked in the kitchen but only found Hunk. He told me that the last time he saw her was in her room. However, when I got there she was nowhere to be seen. I knocked on her door multiple times. No answer. Where else could she possible be? I started to make my way towards my door when I hear chatter from Keith's room.

I know I shouldn't of but I slowly walked over there and held my head against the door. I only hear bits and pieces of the conversation like: "calm down its going to be fine," "It was just one night," "I can never show my face again," and finally "just tell lance." Just tell lance? Ate they talking about me? It was silence after that. Just when I was about to walk away Keith's door opens causing me to fall in his room.

"Were you ease dropping on use." Keith asks. I thought he would be mad, but he jus looks embarrassed. "Uh yeah, but I didn't hear anything except my name. So were y'all talking about me." "Yes we were, but its nothing bad I promise." Pidge says. Silence fills the room before Keith just gets up and leaves. "So what was that about?" "You are so oblivious." With that pidge walks away too.

Keith POV

This is just great. Now lance knows something is up. I walk into the kitchen to see Shiro sitting on the couch. "Hey Shiro." Startled by the sudden noise Shiro turns around. "Oh hey keith how you been." "Horrible." Shiro chuckles at that. "What happened." "Lance, lance is what happened." "Ahh what did you do." "Wait why does it have to be me that did something?" "Really Keith?" "OK fine it was me."

I walk over to the couch to sit down beside Shiro. "So I found out what I did after the dare with me and Pidge." Shiro just hums in response. "So after I found out I avoided him." "Why?" "I just was to embarrassed, but that's not the point. So after awhile I asked to talk to pidge for some advice." "Wow you went to pidge before me? I'm hurt." "Not the point Shiro. Stay focused. So we talked about my situation."

"And finally we finish talking OK. So pidge starts to leave, but when she opens the door Lance falls through. So now I'm here like did he here what we were talking about?" "What were y'all talking about?" "None of you business. Pidge asks him how much he heard and he said just his name. Which was probably a lie. So I left and now I'm here."

Just when Shiro was going to say something Lance walks into the room. At first he doesn't realize that he isn't alone. That is until Shiro says hello. Lance jumps causing him to drop his plate of food. He quickly apologized and got rover to clean the mess. Lance starts to walk out the kitchen when we lock eyes. I quickly look away before I say do something stupid. I started to get up when Shiro grabbed my arm.

I turned around to find Shiro mouthing for me to sit down. How can I sit down when Lance is literally going to be sitting right next to me. I slowly shake my head no causing Shiro to let go. I quickly walk out the room not before locking eyes with lance again. The look in lance eyes almost made me walk back. He looked so hurt and confused. Who would blame him.

Lance POV

What is wrong with keith. He can't even be in the same room as me. Maybe its me. Maybe I snored when we went to sleep. What if I talked in my sleep. Maybe I kicked him and he's mad. What is-. "Lance are you OK?" Shiro questions. "I'm just confused." "About what?" "Keith." Shiro chuckles at that. "What's so funny?"

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