Chpt:3 Truth or Dare

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Pidge POV

They are helpless. The game started out fine with everyone picking truth. Some would pick dare, but the dare would be like eat a bucket of food goo. To my surprise it is harder then it sounds, but that's not the point. Like I was saying Keith and Lance are helpless. For example, "Keith truth or dare?" I asked him. "Dare."

He finally picks dare which lets me put operation Klance in action. "I dare you to let Lance do your hair." I gotta start of easy so they wonder suspect a thing. "That's it?" If only he knew what I have in store for him. Keith slowly gets up and moves over to lance house is about to explode with joy. You know how many times he has talked about keith and his hair. I cant believe he hasn't realized his crush yet.

So lance starts to do Keith's hair into a french braid while we all just watch and wait. Even with my blind eyes I can tell Keith is blushing and so is lance. Seriously how oblivious can these two be to each other. Anyways after lance finishes Keith goes back to his spot and asks Shiro truth or dare. Shiro goes the sissy's way and says truth.

"When Adam said he wanted to kiss you did you really say thank you?" The look on Shiro's face was priceless. It was a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. "I told you to keep that a secret. I trusted you. You know I regret that. I hate you." We all wait in anticipation for Shiro to answer the question. "So is that a yes or no." Keith asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yes." Shiro says with a blush creeping up on his face. We all laugh to the point we are lying on the floor while Shiro is trying to explain himself, but it doesn't work. It just makes matters worse. Once we all gained our composure we continue our game. Resuming with my turn. "Lance truth or dare?" "Dare." I knew he was going to say that. He promised before the game even started that he would say dare because he isn't scared of us.

Oh how he is going to regret that. "I dare you to... Sit in Keith's lap for the whole game." Lance just simply says OK, but I can see through his act. He trembles as he gets up and walks over to Keith. They lock eyes for just a second before Lance flops down on Keith's lap. That got to hurt. We continue the game with a few laughs and slip ups. During that I look over to Lance and Keith and

I swear my fan girl almost came out. Keith decided to make himself more comfortable. So he wrapped his arms around lances torso and rested his chin on his shoulder. While lance has leaned more into Keith and is resting his head on Keith's. Gosh they are so oblivious. "Pidge... Pidge. Pidge." " I didn't do anything." Hunk chuckles at my clumsy ness. "Its your turn." This is gonna be fun. "Keith truth or dare?" "Dare."

"I dare you to kiss lance." Keith face goes into complete terror while lances just turns a light shade of pink. There is a long silence before Lance starts to get off of Keith. Once they got situated they both just stared at each other. Finally Keith starts to lean in resulting in lance moving forwards too. I am on the edge of my seat just waiting for them to make contact.

Sadly, Keith wants to be a jerk and move at the last second. Keith kisses Lances cheek. His cheek. This caught everyone off of surprise. Shiro even whispered "Come on." So I'm not the only one that ships Klance. "Keith when I said kiss I didn't mean on the cheek." "Well you never specified." Keith says while looking like he is about to pass out. "Fine you win."

"Alright guys last round." Shiro just always has to be a dad. Again we got through the same old weak dares and obvious truths. lucky its my turn again. This time Keith wont be able to get out of this one. "Keith truth or dare." "I feel like you are targeting me." "I would do no such thing." I try to hide the smile from my face, but I probably failed seeing how keith gave me a "I don't trust you look." "So Keith truth or dare."

"Truth." "Aww come on Keith are you chickening out." "No I just don't trust you." "Please Keith." "No." "Ill buy you that knife you wanted at the space mall." Keith cant ever reject a free knife. "Deal." Oh how he is so easily persuaded. He should of said no. "I dare you to spend the night with lance."

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