Chpt:5 Galra and Betrayal

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Keith POV

"Im gay." Oh god why did I admit that. I can already feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I then feel a hand rub my back. "Hey keith calm down its OK. I'm not mad. You like boys so what. I like boys and girls." I slowly started to calm down. "Thank you lance." "Ready to come out the closet." I chuckle at that. "Yeah let's go." When we walk out no one was there. We both look at each other and head to the kitchen.

When we get there everyone including coran and allura are sitting on the couch. Lance squeezes my hand to comfort me. I didn't even realize that we were holding hands. When we get to the couch everyone looks at me, lance, then our hands. Lance let's go of my hand. I already miss the warmth. "So you may of heard that I am gay. I was scared to tell y'all because I thought you wouldn't accept me. I was adopted by a homophobic family. When I came out to them I was beaten everyday."

"So finally they gave me up and I was adopted by Shiro. At first I didn't tell him because I was afraid of being hurt again. However, when I found out that he was dating adam I told him. I never told anyone since. So I'm telling this to y'all now. If you can accept me then I will leave. I don't know how and don't know where but I will leave." Once I was done everyone got up and hugged me.

"We accept you." I couldn't hold it any longer. I cried. I cried my eyes out. No one has ever told me that beside Shiro. I count them as family and for them to accept me means everything. "Not to spoil anything, but what is the gay?" Allura questions. We all laugh at this. "Being gay means you like the same sex. Being bi like me means you like both sex's." Lance answers. "Oh. We alteans don't have that. We mate who we want to mate. Either way we still accept you." "Thank you guys." I cry out.

Lance POV

It has been weeks since Keith came out as gay. At first allura and coran would try to hook him up with random guys, but after awhile everything went back to normal. Me and Keith had got much much closer. We train a lot together and just have long talks about our old lives when we can't sleep. Now we are all eating dinner, but something has been up with keith. He hasn't said anything yet and he is covered head to town with clothes. "Keith you have got to be hot in all those clothes."

"I'm fine." Keith coldly remarks, but I can see I can see sweat all over his face. I reach over to pull his hood down. "Don't touch me!" Keith then storms out the room. Everyone look over to me. "What? I didn't do anything." Even though they haven't said anything I can tell what they want. "Fine." I get up and walk over to Keith's room. I knocked, but I got no answer. So I knocked again. Still no answer. "Keith!" I yell. Finally I hear a low "get away." From the other side of the door.

"Keith open the door." I wait for a response, but none comes. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I slowly slide down the wall until I am sitting on the floor. If Keith won't open up then I'll wait till he does.

Keith POV

Why. Why does it have to be me. I stumble over to my bathroom and look in the mirror. I can't even recognize myself. Purple fur covers my body. My ears are pointed and has moved to the top of my head. My teeth has turned to fangs. Finally my eyes are a piercing yellow. I look like a galra. I look like our enemy. How can I face anyone. How can I face lance, he'll call me a monster.

I punch my mirror causing it to break and for me to bleed. I hear lance yell outside my door to see if I am alright. I can't answer him. Tears started to weld up in my eyes as I think about what the paladins will say. I can't take this anymore. I walk out of the bathroom and over to my bed. I open my nightstand to find my blade of mamora. I pick it up and push it up against my arm. Right before it breaks skin I think about lance.

If lance was here he would stop me. If lance was here I could see his ocean blue eyes, his caramel skin, his pearl white teeth. I could here his corny jokes and his laugh. If lance was here he would hug me and tell me its OK. Only if I didn't look like a monster. When I look down at my arm its no that purple fur that I see, but my pale skin instead. I quickly put my blade back and lay on my bed.

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