Chapter Eight

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   I press button after button looking for a good... moving picture? Really I don't know what this thing is. Either way I sort of enjoy it. Watching people without actually being physically present around them. It's like being back in the in-between!
I have to confess for the past I didn't need to kick Sabre and Rainbow Steve out of the in-between so much. They weren't hurting my life force as much as they think. I'm just not used to so much interaction. Especially since... never mind.
There isn't a lot on the tv to watch. I found a few cooking shows but they aren't all that interested surprisingly. They're all just a little too enthusiastic. I'd rather have Sabre teach me.
Speaking of Sabre he's been gone for a while. How hard is it to tidy a room in this dimension? Well considering every other thing around me, the tv for instance, it would most likely be worse to succeed in.
I eventually find something that catches my eye. Mainly because of the explosions it catches me off guard, and soon a person in red and yellow flies in. He reminds me of Infinity Steve!
I'm so intrigued by the moving pictures that I completely lose track of time when Sabre finally comes down, "ah sorry it took so long."
I don't even hear what he says, "oh sorry what was that?"
"Oh the guest is cleaned up for tonight," He explains sitting down, "wait are you watching Iron Man?"
"Is that what it's called?" I ask, though Sabre ignores the question and takes the remote.
"Aw nice it's a marathon!" He cheers, "hey Elemental Steve. Up for hours of explosions and action?" I wouldn't necessarily approve of explosions. Given the fact I've had to endure quite a few personally. But Sabre just looks so excited. I think I should accept. It's the least I can do for him. Besides I'm quite enjoying the show already.
"Sure. Why not?" I smile.
"Great! You keep watching I'll grab food!" Sabre walks off. I just hope it's not the stuff that makes me... use the bathroom. Bleh.


Three Movies in total. That's what Sabre calls it, movies. I'm currently stuffed on the food he calls popcorn and exhausted from the light the picture radiate. Don't get me wrong the movies are amazing! I would gladly watch them again! In fact I'm hoping to see the other ones too! However, I'm a little too tired to watch them all tonight.
Iron man, also known as Tony Stark is amazing! How he independently created all those suits, and how he created a whole new element! I didn't even believe that was possible to a regular steve let alone a human player like Sabre.
"Tired?" Sabre asks clearly noticing my tired eyes.
"A little," I mistakenly admit, "we can keep going though. Sleeping on the couch is comfy. Not like I'll fall asleep."
Sabre laughs, "but then you won't see your new room."
"New room?" I turn to face him forgetting why he even left before.
"Ya let me show you! We've been so caught up in the movies I totally forgot!" He beams.
"Okay!" I grin.

Sabre takes me upstairs and down the hall to a white door. I watch him open it excited.
"Vuala!" Sabre dramatically introduces me inside.
The room is obviously tidy, and rather large. A white bed is to the left of the room from the door and another door to the right. I walk in and take a look around. The floor had carpet just like the rest of the top floor.
   "Over there we got a dresser," Sabre points to a piece of furniture beside the entrance, "and over their is a walk in closet! The room is pretty barren now but if you stay here for along time maybe you'll claim it for yourself!"
   "This... is unbelievable," I look around in disbelief, "you didn't need to give me a room."
   "Well I don't know how long your staying," Sabre explained, "and I can't have you on my couch forever."
   "Thank you Sabre!" I smile.
   "No problem man!" He replies rather cheerfully, "now get some sleep okay? Good night."
   "Good night." I turned around as he turned off the lights.
I'd rather keep my new sweater on. I feel more comfortable and warm in it. That's the way I like it. Just like the in-between (I really need to move on).
There's a small gadget next to my bed. I don't pay much attention to it as I'm already tired. Removing half of the blankets I plop down and throw them over me. It won't take me long to fall asleep. However I'm starting to think about things again... I wonder how Time Steve is...

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