Chapter Four

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   I barely got any sleep last night. After the nightmare I could barley get back to sleep. I was worried of having it again.
I lied to Sabr- I mean Elan that night, and did not tell him everything. That nightmare is something I do not want to explain, and explaining it would just make me tear up. That usually happens when I'm vulnerable with others. That is why I kept hidden from Elan and Rainbow Steve in the past.
What I left out of the dream was the part in the void. I was not technically alone. These shadow like hands reached out at me with sharp claws. They wrapped me in these metal rope like tools to pull me down. I believe they were chains, but I've never seen them before...
Their clamps went on both of my arms and one on my neck. With all my might I tried to pull away, but I was out numbered and they dragged me into the dark abyss of the void. It hurt like the nether resisting. The chains would just scape my skin and cut me the more I pulled. Sooner or later I gave up and yelled for help. No one came though After I was engulfed with darkness was when I woke up. I couldn't believe it was all a dream, and I don't think I would have woken up if it wasn't for Elan.

 I couldn't believe it was all a dream, and I don't think I would have woken up if it wasn't for Elan

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I wake up to a beeping sound. I came from the kitchen. I don't open my eyes until a minute later. Then I notice Elan talking. Is he talking to someone?
I immediately get up worrying someone will see me and hide. I listen more realizing I don't hear a second voice.
Just Elan is talking, "you can come? YES- oh oops... I might wake him up. Sorry. Thank you so much! I know this might be hard for you. Living in the other side of the world from me and all... ya. I just think you would understand this better than anyone. Thank you so much Lucas."
Lucas? I've heard that name before. Wasn't he with Elan and Rainbow Steve back when the rainbow town was still around?
"So you'll be able to come when?... in two days. Got it. See you then! Bye!" Elan finishes talking.
I decide to get back up and walk to the kitchen. Elan is standing in the middle with food in his hands.
"Oh Elemental Steve," he realizes I'm here. "Did I wake you up?"
"No you didn't," I reassure. "A loud beeping noise did."
"That was the oven... sorry about that."
"Oven?" I ask.
"Oh this thing here," Elan points. "It's like a furnace mixed with a machine. Cooking food is more complicated here then in your world."
"I see," I answer. "Interesting..."
"Why don't you take a seat. I'll put the food on some plates."
So I sit down on a nearby chair and wait for Elan to hand me the food. I'm a little nervous to eat because everything in this dimension is so complex. Why would eating be anywhere simple. Well I'm not wrong.
"Here you go!" Elan announces. "Breakfast is served!"
I don't know what he means by "breakfast", but don't really pay much attention to that. I'm more worried of what I'm eating, what the food is on, and what the metal sticks are for. However is isn't nice to complain after treating me so well.
"Thank you Elan!" I force a smile.
"Wow you're using my other name well," he notices.
"I'm trying my best," I continue as Elan digs in.
As he continues to eat I have a silent nervous breakdown as I try to figure this eating thing out. At the same time I do my best to look like I know what I'm doing. So... what is this? Is it like bread? Or it is a pumpkin pie?... whatever it is I have to eat it. Now how do I do that?
I look over at Elan carefully to see how he does it. He's got the wedged stick in one hand and the pointy stick in the other in a specific position in his hand extensions.
Okay... so like this then...
I copy what he is doing and see what he does next. Elan takes the wedged stick to cut the food and uses the pointy stick to pick the piece and eat it up. I mimic him to the best of my abilities and hesitate to put the food in my mouth. Chunk it. Without thinking I instantly chomp it down and chew. It's all a natural instinct somehow despite never eating like this.
I have one word for this food I'm eating: Amazing. I've never tasted something like this before. It's like cake! I dig in and eat faster.
"Elemental?" Elan catches my attention.
I swallowed instinctively, "Yes Elan?"
"Do you like it? It's called a pancake."
"Yes! I do. It's really good. How on overworld did you make this?"
"Oh uh... that's hard to explain. I just follow a recipe book. If you want I can teach you. Would you like to learn cooking?"
"WOULD I?" I stand up before realizing what I had just done. "Oh- I-I mean yes... thank you Elan."
Elan laughs at me and I sit back down in embarrassment.
"Okay then!" He chuckles. "I'll teach you tonight then. Oh but before we do we have to go out for more food."
"Okay. Where do you keep the swords?" I ask.
"What- oh... in this world we don't need to hunt for food."
"How do you get it then?"
"Uh... My people have a way of sharing food with each other. We... go to a specific place to trade things."
"Oh! Like trading with the villagers!" I compare.
"Ya! Exactly!" Elan looks impressed. "You want to start heading? We're both pretty done eating."
"Hold on," I say finishing the last bit of pancake on my clay platform thing. "Okay. Now we can go."
Elan chuckles, "Okay then. I'll get what we need. You sit tight on the couch."
I do as told and sit while Elan grabs supplies. I must say this place is very complex, but at the same time interesting to learn about.
Suddenly I get a strange feeling. It's coming from my lower area of my body. I can't tell if it's pain. However it does frighten me. I hesitate to tell Elan.
"Elan?" I call.
"Ya Elemental Steve?" He walks out a door to me.
"I think I'm dying!" I Overexaggerate.
"What! How! What's wrong!" He reacts frantic.
"I don't know! My lower body is feeling weird and I don't know why!"
"Lower body- wait," Sabre looks down shaking his head starting to laugh.
"Wh-What's so funny Elan? This is serious!"
Elan only laughs more, "I forgot... there are no toilets in Minecraft..."
"Um...what are toilets?"


Incase you don't know I get a KICK out of writing this! 😂😂😂
Well here's chapter 4! I hope you like the picture I drew for it! Lucas is coming into the fanfic now! Whoo! Hope you're hyped!

I also improved my dialogue writing if you didn't see. I hope that's alright. I edited the other chapters too. It's a little different, but not a lot. I just hope it makes sense like before...
Well hope you enjoyed anyways!

Bye bye!!

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