1- Drauton S Primary School

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100 years later, there are only five countries left. The rest had been destroyed through the multiple skirmishes with the Zolma. These five countries are not separated by a body of water but by borders. The countries aren't antagonistic with each other but aren't friendly with one another too. Trade does occur between countries as certain countries specialize in different areas. Such as the country of Shiyca is the most technologically advance. All high-tech equipment is designed and produced in Shiyca. Esciaya is the richest country and is the country with the best doctors and surgeons etc. Drauton is the poorest country and is responsible for more than 60% of all passer and surpassers agricultural needs. Keshos and Strera are wealthy countries too. They do not specialize in anything but rather have their hands in all the pies. However, the best schools are in these countries. Whether it is a passer school or a surpasser school. The education system in these two countries are the best.

Kai Adler lives in the country of Drauton with his mother and father. Despite living in the poorest country, Kai's family is actually quite well off. Kai's dad is one of the best geneticists in the world and his mom is one of the top doctors in the world. The only reason they live here in Drauton and not in Esciaya is that Kai's parents want to provide world-class treatment to those that can't afford it. Kai's mother gets paid by her patients and by the government. Kai's dad gets paid by the government. Kai is the foster child of Mr Adler and Misses Adler where his siblings, on the other hand, are the Adler's real children. They have two of their own. Kai's oldest sister Juliette Adler who is 18 years older than him is a geneticist. She took an aptitude test when she was 6 years old and it determined that her personality type would make her a great geneticist amongst other vocations. She immediately chose to be a geneticist like her dad and then went to genetic school in Esciaya. She stayed in a boarding school and went through primary, secondary, and tertiary genetic school. Where she was taught the ways of genetics. As she went from primary to secondary to tertiary they would cut out irrelevant subjects and hone more on genetics and then eventually all her subjects are about the area she wants to specialize in. This was Pharmacogenomics.

Kai's older brother took the test too and decided to become a mechanical engineer. He was sent to engineering school in Shiyca. Where he currently still is in Tertiary school. His brother Sebastien Adler is 16 years older than him.

Kai is the only one that had to stay in Drauton. Kai's parents had fostered him from when he was a baby where they learnt that Kai had the elemental gene. This makes him a second generation surpasser. Because of this, they wanted to keep Kai close by them. So instead of sending him to Keshos or Strera where the best Surpasser schools in the world are they sent him to a surpasser school here in Drauton. It is said that children who went to school in Strera and Keshos are destined to achieve greater things than those that didn't. Currently, all the royalty from each and every clan went to school in either Keshos or Strera. Of the 50 royalty seats, 27 students come from Keshos where their school abdicate the strength of power. And the 23 seats left, come from the students who went to school in Strera where control is their motto. Strera holds more seats of significance such as 70% of the Kings and Queens of the various clans went to Strera. There are no Strera students that occupy the Fourth Prince and Princesses places only from 3rd upwards. Despite all this, Kesho's is hailed as the best because they have more seats. Marketing quantity over quality.

Kai clenched his fists and gritted his teeth when his parents told him they were not sending him to Strera or Keshos. Struggling to control his breathing, he tried to convince them through statistics. He wanted to make them see that not sending him to Strera Academy was the same maiming him for life. He explained how every person who ever did something significant went to Strera academy. Where not one person of significance came from Drauton Academy. Just saying the name wanted to make him puke. Drauton had more to do with agriculture and this place had an abnormally high passer to surpasser percentage. Unlike other countries of the population here 2% were surpassers where it's 5-10% in other countries. Based on these findings, it is clear that surpasser schools wouldn't receive much funding. Most of the educational budget went to grooming passers that wanted to enter the Agricultural field... Kai wanted to go to Strera, specifically Strera Academy in the capital city of Ginmon. All his other siblings had their personalities checked and then they were sent to the best of the best but not him. He kicked the ground at the injustice he was feeling.

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