18. Settling in

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The next morning Kai woke up 6 am. Still groggy he climbed out of bed and walked to the kitchen then turned on the coffee maker. He took two shots of Drauton coffee beans. Then he poured in 470 ml of water into the machine. Lastly, he poured 100 ml of full cream milk into the machine and placed his cup in the holder.

After a few moments, the smell of home was wafting from the machine through the house. This was why Kai drank coffee. The coffee was decaffeinated though. He didn't need the energy boost. Eventually, his body would wake up normally. He only drank it for the taste and the smell. This was the coffee his parents drank every morning so he was accustomed to this smell in the morning.

Kai took a hold of his mug that was now full of coffee. The machine did everything for him. If he wanted 3/4ths milk with 1/4 water it would do so. If he wanted a 1/4 of low-fat milk, 1/2 of water and a 1/4 of full cream milk it would do that for him too. Whatever way he wanted his coffee he could have it as long as he had the ingredients.

Kai took a deep whiff of the coffee. As it filled his nostrils a sense of calm came over him. Unfortunately, his moment was cut short when he heard a disembodied voice,

"If you open your nostrils any wider you might rob the world of oxygen."

Still with his nose buried in the coffee, Kai wondered who was so brave to speak to him like that. First thing in the morning no less. Removing his face from the steaming hot cup of coffee he looked upwards to see Lexi with her arms folded. She was wearing a cerise pink onesie with bunny ears.

Kai creased his eyebrows while looking at her. He had to admit she looked cute in the outfit but now wasn't the time to admire such things, "Good morning to you too Lexi." He said sarcastically.

Then Lexi walked into the kitchen. Once she was in she held her hand in front of her mouth and yawned, "Good morning Kai."

Hearing her greet him he decided to let it go, "You up early. Didn't you sleep well?"

Lexi shook her head, "I'm usually up at this time. So when I smelt the coffee I came out."

Kai put on a smug face, "That's the smell of Drauton. Amazing isn't it?"

Lexi just rolled her eyes and then looked at Kai who looked like he was in heaven after taking a sip.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows, 'Why is she looking at me. Is it so interesting to watch a man drink coffee.'

He took another sip burying his face in the mug and then slowly lifted his face. On the way up he tried to sneak a glance to see if she was still looking and she was. She frowned at him with her arms crossed. Kai wondered what he did to deserve such behaviour but then he finally realized he had not even offered her a cup, how rude of him.

Realizing his mistake he laughed sheepishly while scratching his head, "I'm sorry I didn't ask much sooner." Then he lowered the tone of his voice, "Do you want a cup of coffee," Then he revealed a charming smile.

Happy she got through to him she smiled and accepted his offer. Lexi didn't drink coffee either but she was curious as to why Kai seemed so enamoured by the flavours. She knew it could be just for nostalgic reasons but even if that was the case, nostalgia had never smelt so good.

Lexi didn't drink much coffee hence she didn't know which way she liked it best. So Kai made it the same way he made his. That was the same way his parents made it, plus some milk.

Kai didn't need to put more ingredients in the coffee machine since he originally placed double the amount in. He took a mug from the cupboards above and then placed it in the coffee machine. Minutes later a warm brown and creamy liquid poured out and into her mug. When it was done the coffee machine beeped so Kai took a hold of the mug and gave it to Lexi with a smile, "Sorry it took so long."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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