16- Marriage

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The next morning Kai woke up 7.05 am. He climbed out of his bed after rubbing his eyes and releasing a satisfying yawn. Still droopy, Kai walked to his bathroom and washed his face. The cold water was rejuvenating as it splashed in his face. After drying his face he went downstairs to his parents to eat breakfast.

As he got downstairs his mother said, "Good morning Puppy." As she poured cereal and milk into a bowl. Then she slid it over to her husband who was sitting down.

Kai returned the greeting and also greeted his father. Then he sat down at the counter and made himself some cereal.

While eating, Kai was awfully quiet which was strange. Kai wasn't a talkative eater but he wasn't a silent one either.

"How are you feeling about today?" Brianna Adler inquired.

Kai sighed, "I don't know actually... I haven't entirely processed it yet. What about you guys?"

Brianna Adler pursed her lips, "When we thought of the day you got married we thought of a big ceremony celebrating the love of two people, not two people signing papers. But I understand that this is a marriage of convenience and will help you achieve your goals. So if you are happy we are happy," Then she smiled, "Besides maybe one day you two will get married for real."

Kai laughed briefly, "Yeah, that's not going to happen. But thank you for understanding." He said grinning.

His mother nodded her head and then sucked in her lips. That's when Zack Alder, Kai's dad said, "Do you know when you are getting married?"

Kai shook his head, "I don't know the exact time but she will tell me when she boards the plane. She said it will be our nigh-time though."

Zack Alder nodded his head, "Okay then, just remember to give us an hour notice... We want to be there when you get married and when you leave for Strera."

Kai nodded his head and then finished his breakfast, "Well then I will see you later today. Got my last day of training with Emily."

They both smiled and then Kai exited the kitchen. The reason Kai knew what was going to happen today was because Lexi had sent him a message at 3 am. Ginmon, the capital of Strera was 3 hours ahead of Agritura, the capital of Drauton.

Once Kai left the kitchen he walked out the house and into his car. Then he drove to the Training Centre. When he got there he went to the reception to book another court for the day. Once he did he sent Emily the court number and location.

Kai walked to his court it was court B7. Then he turned on the lights and waited for Emily to come. While waiting he had free time on his hands so he decided to really process what was going to happen today... He was about to get married. Even though there were no feelings involved it was still nerve-wracking. He was also going to move from Drauton to Strera. This a different country and this meant different people. He was going to leave his friends behind too. Life as he knew it was going to change. From then on, he would be fending for himself. After marriage, he was a fully fledged adult. There was no mommy and daddy money anymore. Kai wasn't afraid of work but it would take adjusting. After processing the extent of what today entailed he took a deep breath and resolidified his resolve. Today he was about to take the biggest step forward to reaching his dream. This was a momentous moment in his journey to being King.

Kai wanted to be King but more than that he wanted to be significant, not famous but significant. He had plans that he could only enact when he was at the top.

To be significant one needed to be strong. You had to be able to lead by example and make the ones under you want to be like you. You also needed to be wealthy. It takes money to grow a clan. Such as providing newly awakened surpassers free equipment should they join the clan. Lastly, it required popularity. In order to sway the hearts of others, you needed people to believe in you. Which went hand in hand with your reputation and your fame. The reason The Fire Clan was so big was because the King and Queen were charismatic people. The world loved them as such investors invested in their clan. They also receive the largest portion of the surpasser budget that the government gives.

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