The Chair

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After forever of swaying back and forth on Brian's back and all the blood running to my head, we entered the Werewolf Castle. The floor was nice at least, it was stone, giving it a medieval vibe. We walked for a short while and entered a room. There was some squeaking and Brian sat me down in a chair, where I didn't even pretend to be asleep.

I looked around to the men standing in front of me. Brian was a built but short man with blonde hair and blue eyes. His expression was stern and his mouth was pressed into a line. He was definitely strong, the muscles of his arms were making that obvious, bulging out of his t-shirt proudly. The rest of the men looked different, but the same. One had brown hair, one had red hair, some had brown eyes, some had blue eyes, but they all looked incredibly fierce.. and mean. One stood out in particular: he had messy brown hair and bright blue eyes, and he was huge, towering over the rest of the men that were already taller than any vampire I'd ever seen. His lean body was more than intimidating, the sleeves of his t-shirt stretching against his arms and shoulders and the outline of his muscles were clearly visible even under his shirt. The thing that stood out the most though, was he reeked of power.

He was the King.

I dropped my gaze to my thighs and worked to keep my breathing steady. I pretended I was back at my house in the woods safe with my mom and my dad before he turned. I pretended we were sitting down for dinner and laughing about my day at school or my dad's job. That would be the life. No terror, no pain, just happiness.

"Leave her here until the others come back. If they even bring one vampire, there will be no need for her." I flinched. Did that mean they'd kill me? I wouldn't be a food source here so what else would they do with me? But then again, why does this scare me? Death is exactly what I want.

The men walked out of the room and shut the door. I looked around the room to see it was rectangular, with a large sophisticated-looking table surrounded by chairs. There was one big window on the far wall, so I stood up and tip toed there. I opened the curtains to see the sun just rising above the horizon. I couldn't help but smile at the sunset I hadn't seen since I was six.

I watched the sun rise fully into the sky and enjoyed the natural light. The birds chirping from outside calmed me and made me forget about my life for a few minutes.

"You act like this is the first sunset you've seen." A deep voice chuckled from behind me.

I gasped, spun around and backed away from the voice. It was the King. He actually looked like he had sympathy for scaring me as he backed way from me a little. I dropped my gaze and walked back to my chair and sat down, still looking at the floor.

Why hadn't I tried to escape? I hadn't even looked for a latch on the window. I'm so dumb.

He pulled up a chair in front of me and sat in it, leaning towards me. "My army couldn't catch any vampires or even get a location. I need a better army, dontcha think?" I actually chuckled a little. "So I guess it's just you and me." He paused. "How long were you with the vampires?"

I gulped and opened my mouth to speak, just to close it out of fear. I shrugged.

"Hey," I flinched when he suddenly rose his hand to my face and lifted my chin up. I met his gaze, which was a lot softer than I thought it'd be. "It's okay, you can talk."

I gulped. "I've been with the vampires since I was six."

"How old are you now?"

"I don't know." I shook my head and looked away.

"The Vampire King claims he has something of mine, do you have any idea what it could be?"

Something of his? As far as I knew, my father never even left the castle. "No." I answered truthfully.

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