chapter i. eden stark

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dec '95

     EDEN STARK DOESN'T REALLY KNOW if being a seer is a blessing or a curse

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EDEN STARK DOESN'T REALLY KNOW if being a seer is a blessing or a curse.

     The idea of seeing the future is so remarkable yet scary at the same time. The idea that you know what's going to happen and you have to accept that — fate will always win, is so remarkable yet scary.

     Eden has no idea what to think of it.

     Eden was seven when she made her first prediction. Her Grandmother had been a seer herself, it was only a few days after she passed when Eden made her first prediction and it's been going on ever since.

It started with little things, like how there would be no apples or pears at the shops, or that the family dog was missing but slowly it turned into predictions and visions that frankly — a seven year old would not know.

This prompted Eden's parents; to get her tested as a seer, and unsurprisingly she was a seer.

From there on she learnt almost everything she could about seers, she learnt how to read tarot cards and crystal balls, she learnt astronomy and palmistry. She learnt about the meanings of her dreams and visions, how to make sure she was safe afterwards.

By the time she was eleven Eden's head was so crammed with knowledge and she knew so much more than many about the future and divination that she was positive she was going to follow her sister, Ophelia Stark, into Ravenclaw. So it became much of a shock when Eden ran up to the sorting hat only for it to scream "slytherin!" that she almost cried ( thankfully — she didn't. )

Many people grow up believing that "all witches and wizards who went bad are from slytherin." and Eden was one of them, so getting into that very house scared her so much that she didn't talk to anyone in the house for five days straight. Eventually she spoke to another first year who just so happened to become her best friend, Daphne Greengrass, Daphne then introduced her to Georgia Halloway and the three have been best friends ever since.

Now fifteen years old. Eden has never looked back, Never thought what it'd be like if she was in Ravenclaw, because she's happy in Slytherin, truly.

And that's the thing with Eden, she doesn't like to look back, she doesn't like to dwell on the past.

Being a seer hasn't helped, she's lived too far in the future to look back and think "what if this happened." The thing is, being a seer isn't all "get a vision — stop the bad things that will happen from happening" it's learning to accept that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try. You can't change the future, you need to stand by, watch it happen, let it happen.

This pains Eden becaus it means if she sees someone die, they're going to die. She hates this. Absolutely hates it. Of course — she tries to alert people if someone's in danger ( or dying ) but she always knows — if she's seen them die, they will die, when that moment comes around.

Her parents always tried to calm her down by remind her, "death is inevitable, we will all die one day." Eden thinks this is bullshit — what's the point in being a seer if you can't use it for the better of the people ?

And Eden's in this very situation right now. She's awoken, sweating and a scene runs through her head: there was a man, he was getting attacked by a snake. She can't pick anything else out ( this tends to happen — only the major parts of the vision will be remembered by Eden. )

On Eden's bedside table there's a note book and a pen, it's her fourth — maybe fifth seer notebook. Any time Eden has anything remotely seer like she writes it down. Anything from tarot cards and palm readings to visions and dreams in her sleep, will be written down in the diary. It's filled to the burn with notes and even the occasional drawing ( if she can remember enough ) to remind her of what's happened and when.

Another thing Eden has been told to do as of late, is to tell her head of house ( Professor Snape ) if they're important enough, Eden never really knows what's important enough. Surely seeing a red-haired man in her sister's best friends path or knowing that a black dog ( of all things ) was approaching in her third year where not important enough to tell Snape. The vision of a man dying ( or being attacked? ) is surely classed as "important enough" to tell Snape.

     Eden will have to consult her friends in the morning.

     But for now she will write it down in her diary, and then maybe she'll get a few hours of sleep before she has to be awoken for breakfast.

     But for now she will write it down in her diary, and then maybe she'll get a few hours of sleep before she has to be awoken for breakfast

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ahhh!! this is the first chapter done, the books near 200 reads which is crazy??!!! anyways this chapter is super short but I kinda just wanted it to be a lil intro to eden and her seer abilities/how she deals with them so yeah, please give feedback :)

words : 875
published : 25 • 6 • 19

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