chapter ii. oh, so innocent

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dec '95

     DESPITE TRYING SO SO SO HARD, Eden just could not seem to get back to sleep after she had the vision of the snake

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     DESPITE TRYING SO SO SO HARD, Eden just could not seem to get back to sleep after she had the vision of the snake. Her mind was completely fucked with so many questions and queries that she ended up having conversations with herself in hushed whispers at around 4am ( this was well after, she realised there was no chance of her getting any sleep at all. ) At one point, Eden contemplated going and telling Snape, but she decided against this because in all honesty— Snape being awoke in the middle of the night was not a situation Eden wanted to be responsible for.

See, somewhere in the middle of fourth year Professor Dumbeldore told Eden that if she ever had saw, dreamt or predicted something that she deemed important, she should tell Snape. But there was a problem, Eden never really knew what was classed as "important" and what was "unimportant." One of the main things that was on her mind was, would this be considered important enough? Well surely it would, Eden thought, A man dying (?) — being attacked, by a snake some time soon, surely, would be important enough. Eden ended up deciding that she'd try to tell snape during potions, that they had later today with Gryffindor.

     Eventually, Eden's Friends also awoke, and Eden's day began as normal. She tried to push the Man and the Snake to the back of her head as she had breakfast with her friends, as she went to her first classes with her friends. She tried to think of things that made her happy, like her sister, her favourite sweaters and pleated skirts, hogwarts and her friends. ( She'd also love to think about the "O" she gets in Divination but that would bring her back to the vision and that's a big no, no at the moment. )

     Eden was no hufflepuff but her friends, or more commonly known as The Fifth Year Slytherins, meant a fair bit to her, surprisingly. There where eleven Fifth Year Slytherins, Eden liked to think she was friends with all of them. The girls, not including Eden there were 5 girls ; Georgia Halloway, Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent "Millie" Bulstrode and Tracey Davis.

Despite being best friends with Georgia and Daphne, Eden was by no means on bad terms with Pansy, Millie or Tracey. She just preferred to spend her time with Georgia and Daphne.

     The five boys are Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Theodore "Theo" Nott and Blaise Zabini ( Eden is 99% sure she's never heard anyone refer to Crabbe and Goyle as their real names — she can barely even remember them. ) Eden gets on well with Theo and Blaise, they're probably her closest male friends but Dracos a whole other story. Eden doesn't mind him, he just has uh — a tendency to be really cocky in front of Eden. When he's with others he's fine but he just seems to be all "Eden look what I've got" and "Eden look here" when Eden's around, and it sucks. Because Eden's sure that if you took away this and the bullying that he does daily he'd be quite nice.

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