chapter iii. grin and bear it

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jan '96

     WITH THE PROMISE OF Occlumency lessons when she got back to Hogwarts, the winter holidays passed Eden by in a breeze

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WITH THE PROMISE OF Occlumency lessons when she got back to Hogwarts, the winter holidays passed Eden by in a breeze. And before she knew it her Bristol home, with her happy smiling family, and Christmas decorations hung everywhere was replaced with hogwarts, still cold and dark as ever, but a second home nonetheless.

     This whole Occlumency thing was getting Eden really excited. ( "It's a whole new branch of magic, Ophelia!" ) Like, squealing when talking about it, excited because fuck, she's wanted to learn occlumency for years and now she can! Fuck yeah! Admittedly, Eden knows she shouldn't be this excited to sped what — three-ish hours a week with Snape and Harry in pain, but the idea that she'd be able to conceal her mind and thoughts from people like you-know-who? Surely, she's allowed to be excited!

Anyways, back to Hogwarts! Admittedly the winter holidays weren't boring and Eden loves her family but, there's something about Hogwarts that makes her so so so excited to go back! So, here she finally is, just gotten into the Slytherin Common room, her favourite denim jacket on and her Slytherin scarf around her neck, and the second she runs in Georgia comes running up to her.

     "Eden!" Georgia squeals, pulling her into a tight hug, "I've missed you!"

Daphne comes over next and joins the hug, Eden is starting to get quite squished but she's missed her friends so she doesn't really care!

Daphne starts talking about how she went to France, and all the french things she saw and all the french boys she met, and Eden can't help but think how nice it is to be home.

The other fifth year Slytherins seemed to have sat themselves around a table, spread out doing different things, Millie and Tracey were having a heated game of exploding snap, Blaise, Theo and Pansy all seemed to be finishing off what seemed to be the Herbology essay ( that Eden could've sworn they said they're done before the holidays ) while Draco was talking with Crabbe and Goyle.

Eden, Georgia and Daphne walked over to where her friends were sat as Draco turned around.

"Oi! Eden." Draco called

"A 'Hey Eden' or 'Nice to see you' would have been nice."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"That you're having to help Snape give Potter Remedial Potions lessons?" Malfoy almost spat the name Potter, and his face showed either disgust or amusement. Eden couldn't choose.

It was clear that no one had heard of this and that Malfoy had decided to use his flare for the dramatic and announce it in front of everyone as they all seemed to bare a different expression on their face.

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