chapter iv. murder mystery

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jan '96

     "MASS BREAKOUT FROM AZKABAN! Minister fears Black is "rallying point" for old Death Eaters

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"MASS BREAKOUT FROM AZKABAN! Minister fears Black is "rallying point" for old Death Eaters."

     Those words seemed to haunt Eden the next day, they'd been plastered onto The Daily Prophet as they told the story of Azkaban breakouts. No matter where she went, someone would either have the article, be talking about the article, quoting the article. It seemed to squeeze itself into every conversation that day, plaguing the school with thoughts of how mass murders were now free.

     And every-time Eden saw the paper she couldn't help but think, what if it's them...? And this would in turn start an ongoing mini-war in her mind.

• • •

PICTURE THIS, its the 1970s and You-Know-Who is gaining power, he's murdering people left right and centre, and you don't know who to trust anymore.

      Well that's the situation that Penelope Selwyn found herself in, her best friend had "mysteriously vanished" a few months ago, her parents were on deaths door due to old age, and she has no clue what her brothers were up to these days as they rarely talked

     There were only two people Penelope felt like she could truly trust at this point. Number one, her sister, Cassiopeia Selwyn, Number two, her boyfriend, Robert Stark. When she was younger Penelope could trust almost anyone, but when you have to grow up with a war going on you not only loose trust in those you know, but trust in humanity as well.

     So, Penelope's in a sticky situation. She trusts a grand total of two people, she's sure she's going to loose her job and she's just brought a second child into this hellhole of a world.

     To make matters worse, a few weeks after the birth of her daughter Eden she gets told that she needs to investigate something at her parents house, where her entire family is. Working as a Hit Wizard it's Penelope's job to do this, but even if it wasn't this is her family! So Penelope and Robert dart off to the house.

     ( Apparently it was Cassieopiea's boyfriend who made the call, said she'd been told to go there hours ago and hasn't came back. )

     She hasn't been there in just over a month, the last time she was there was her Dads birthday, they'd all been there. She didn't visit them regularly, and that's something she'd come to regret in later years, but her two brothers were there, they looked after them ( admittedly, Atticus was drunk most of the time, but he was still there, and Sebastian was there as well, so they were in good, responsible hands. )

     When she gets there the house is just as it's always been, the gardens well kept, and there looks like there's been no sign of damage to the house. She can tell the lights in the dining room are on ( she thinks they were just about to have dinner. ) and for a second she's positive she sees a figure in the room, that disappeared the second she opens the gate ( in later years she's come to regard it as a trick of the light — maybe a shadow. )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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