The Truth : Chapter 4

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Darkness, it blankets the room, it is all I can see. I have been sitting in the cellar for awhile now. How long? I can't tell. Days are what it seems like. With every second passing, I can feel the hunger eating at me from the inside out, and the voices haven't stopped devouring my mind.

'Broken doll.'

They sing it over and over. No more chanting.. I've grown accustomed to them now, it... Soothes me.

'Sit broken doll, be still,

Mend your shattered will,

Just close your heavy eyes,

Sleep our broken perfect doll.'

With that I sleep.


"Mummy! Mummy! Look what dad and I found at the park!" I scream running to the kitchen presenting my mummy a white rose.

"It's beautiful Light." My mummy chirps. "How 'bout we put in a vase with water?"

Pulling a crystal vase with floral engravings around it from the white wooden cupboards and filling it with water, I watch mum put it at the centre of the table. I then, being so small, have to drag out one of the dining chairs. Climbing up, I carefully place the white rose with in it.

I sit in awe, staring at the wonderful rose, when I overhear my mummy and daddy having a serious argument in the next room over.

"You took her back to that dangerous park again!" I could hear mummy scream.

"She loves it there!" Dad argues back.

"It's no place for my little doll to be."

Hearing enough, I pick my little body off the chair and run out of the kitchen. Roaming the house I come across a door I've never seen before. Curious, my six year old body, with enough strength, opens the door with no trouble.

Entering the mysterious room, it is dark. Finding a light switch, I can clearly see shelves upon shelves of antique dolls and one massive wooden chipped doll house. It looks like it has been sitting in this room for awhile, judging by how much dust has come to settle on it and how the wood has gone rotten in some places.

The dolls all have there own unique look. I come across one that looks just like mother, with shoulder length brown hair, bright green eyes, and a long white dress. The dress though, has a splash of red on the side... Creepy, I think. Walking over I spot one that looks like me, long brown hair, bright, deep blue coloured eyes but for some reason the replica doll is wearing black.

Intrigued, I walk over to the house next, touching the little wood furniture inside the doll house.


I think.

"This kind of looks like my house."

"Here's my room, mummy and daddy's room, the kitchen.."

Then a blood curdling scream breaks me from my thoughts. It is mummy getting really mad.


I can here my mummy scream angrily.

I run out of the creepy room in tears. I run towards the screams, till I come to a stop at the front door, where mummy and daddy are fighting.


My daddy screams back, opening the door and slamming it behind him, shattering the glass that decorats the red door.

When daddy walked out that door, he walked out of my life and shattering the glass shattered my tiny heart as well.

By then I am crying violently, I can't take the pressure anymore. That's when mummy leans down to my height and whispers in my ear.

"Oh my perfect little doll, sit doll, be still, mother will be right back."

With that, she walks to the kitchen and comes back out, a silver long kitchen knife with a black handle grasped in her hand. Pushing me aside, she chases after daddy.

I run to the corner of the wall and face it, crying heavily. I watch as my tears slide to the floor, my long brunette hair, wet with tears. That's when something speaks to me, echoing in my head.

'Broken doll.'

They whisper.

'Sit doll, it's all your fault,

'Sit doll, be still.'

They chant repeatedly.

That's when mummy walks back in. Her white dress no longer white, it is now covered in a red liquid, and the once clean knife is now covered in red as well.


I cry through my sobs.

"Shhhhh." Is all she says, with her finger to her lips and picks me up.

"Please call me mother from now on, perfect."

That's all I hear before I pass out.

I have forgotten everything about that day.

~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~

That's when I wake up, and the truth hits me hard. Father didn't walk out of my life and the family, he was driven out by mother and her sick obsessions.

'Such a nice doll.'

The voice sing.

'It wasn't mother's fault,

'It was your's.'

"I don't understand how is it my fault!?"

I scream at the voices. The truth has hit me hard.



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