Life Goes On : Chapter 32

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~*~*~*~*~Eligh's Point of View~*~*~*~*~

A girl like scream erupts from behind the door.


That scream...

"Light! LIGHT!"

Please... Just answer me...


I bang my fists furiously on the red door.

"Eligh? Eligh is that you?" I can hear Light whimper from behind the door.

Suddenly, the door knob starts thrashing side to side, and the whole frame starts shaking, yet remains locked.

~*~*~*~*~Light's Point of View~*~*~*~*~

The world around me feels like it's crashing down, my emotions can no longer support the weight it bares. No I'm not giving up this easily not anymore, I'm not useless... I'm not weak...

I turn around, my head low, hair folding over obscuring my face. Giving off a dark aurora.

"Open the door...." I growl lowly.

"Oh my doll don't you see..." Mother cackles "your mine and your boyfriend can't save you, all those books have twisted your mind. KNIGHTS IN SHINING ARMOUR DON'T EXIST!" She lashes out with her machete.

I was quick enough to dodge and stumble back into the living room. Mother follows quickly, sluggishly picking me up and throwing me into the fireplace mirror.

I hit the ground roughly, as glass showers me. The pain is unbearable.

The room starts to spin again as my head spins as well. The walls turn dark and charred, the lights dim into a deathly glow. The furniture lose their colour and rips start to appear all over them. It's like everything around me has been a lie.

I lift my head to see mother, she's not the porcelain perfect person from before.

Her head is bleeding amongst the matted mess of brown hair, her emerald eye are dead and black almost lifeless. Her body is scratched and beaten, limp, almost skeleton like.

I pick up the large, jagged piece of glass beside me and clutch it in a fist tightly, to the point where it cuts through my skin.

Sitting up, I was forced to the ground again by mother who suddenly launched from the ground, sending me to the floor.

Mother chokes and blood flows from her mouth. I realise I had held the glass piece out before she hit me. It hit her in the heart properly this time.

~*~*~*~*~Eligh's Point of View~*~*~*~*~

I manage to bash through the door, collecting splinters on the way. I arrive to see a dead, dark lifeless room, full of old, rotting furniture and smashed glass. The walls look like the remains of a fire long ago, an odd smell lingering in the room.

The body of a girl I don't recognise, sits faceless, up against the corner wall behind the door. Her head looks like someone had pummeled it in with a baseball bat, then ripped it off. The body of another girl lays motionless over one of the rotting couches, her neck sliced. Two massive black holes were what remain of her eyes.

My eyes land on Light, sitting over her mother with a knife, slowly stabbing her over and over again. The sound of sobbing echoes throughout the room.


I whisper.

"Light, she's dead..."

"NO! She'll just come back again... She'll just... Just." She sobs, dropping the knife. "I can't take it anymore Eligh.." Light cries, "What have I done."

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