Chapter 1

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A/N: The pic is of what felicity would most likely look like


Chapter 1:


I Peer over the shoulder of my sister, Felicity, and read over the article at the bottom, its about a place called Earth, It seems nice, but definitely no where near as beautiful as My city, and it's all polluted. Ugh, yuck. I read on, finding that its a world that tends to get in alot of fights. But with its self. That seems kinda stupid to me, but, hey, maybe they have their own reasons. I continue, I read of war, and war, and, oh, did I mention WAR!?!

Then I come across something unexpected, LOVE. This planet has so many love stories, and some of them are REAL. Sure the Fae marry once in a while, even some of us have mates, but not very often. On this planet, there's even a place called 'The City Of LOVE', and get this, they do this thing called clubbing to meet people. Or some people just go to a coffee shop. But the CLUBS! It all sounds so surreal.

"Hey, Felicity, look at this!" I point to the article. She reads it over, and looks at me, a smile burning bright on her face.

"We have to go there." She deadpans. I laugh and we run over to our house, to ask our parents. We burst through the doors, gasping for air -Hey, just because we're immortal and really fast, doesn't mean we don't have our limits.

"MOM! DAD! CAN WE GO TO EARTH!?!" We screech, and they come out of the kitchen. I wave them over to the couch, and they look at eachother, after a lot of murmuring, they look up and say to us,

"Ok," and I swoop into hug them, saying,

"Great, we'll just go and grab some clothes, then we'll be off!" I tug my sister over to the door,

"Serenity, there is something we need to tell you and Felicity first." Mom takes a breath, "Honey, your adopted. Felicity, you too. And you are sisters by blood, Felicity, you are the oldest. And serenity, you are the heir to your parents possessions. they knew your sister doesn't have the powers." She looks at me, and I know what she means, by 'the powers', she means magick. Felicity doesn't have magick, but I do.

I take Felicity's hand, moving for the door. I open it, and we run, run all the way to the portals, ducking under the bar, no one really notices, and we run. run from reality, and I feel clear, wet tears pour down my face. and we dive into the portal marked 'Earth'. That is the last thing we see as we black out, laying on the cold hard floor of a hotel room reserved for fae, it will be locked off and no one will portal into our room until we check out. its payed for as long as we want. With that final thought, I pass out next to my sleeping sister.


I wake up, still on the ground, a sore back, and a aching heart. I glance to her, to see her tear stained face, I shake her awake and say,

"Let's do something fun, how about clubbing?" I smile, we get up and realize we have no clothes,

"Lets go shopping first." I laugh, and she nods, pulling out the card that was magically put in our pockets the moment we landed. She nods, and we march out the door, hand in hand. I squeeze her hand as she jumps, startled by a big noise that can only be described as weird. I think it's called honking, based on the fact that people were yelling not to honk, or to move. I smile, cranking at the sawn time from the bad smell of the city streets and all the unexpected noise. We stumble around the area, until we find a fancy and slightly slutty store named NYC club clothes. I push at the doors, and they open, leaving me to tumble into the store. Felicity giggles, and I give her a glare that says

"Shut up, or I'll come over there myself and MAKE you.' She glares back at me, sticking her tongue out at me. I smirk at her child like attitude. For a 197 year old, she really is juvenile. I shrug and get up, starting twords the racks of dresses. I pick out a bunch, and try them all on, modleing each for felicity. She does the same, and I laugh at her weird run-way model impression. We finally settle on two dresses. Mine is a deep midnight blue, and hers is a emerald green, mine has a sort of galaxy pattern on it. Hers is just a short dress. We pick out some shoes to match it, both of us get heels. We then go to another store and get phones and lap tops. We then look up clubs. We head to the closest one, it's called 'immortal music'. I find it kinda ironic, but felicity doesn't seem to notice. We head in to see the world, the world of love, music, sweat, and clubbing.

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