Chapter 3

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A/N: This pic is or archer's mom

Chapter 3:


"What am I doing here? I question, tilting my head to the side, my mate pulls out a piece of paper silently and hands it to me, It has my sisters' neat handwriting on it, it reads,

Dear Serenity,

You must have either slapped him, run from him, or both by now, but you need to know he's your protector for now. Give this letter back to him when your done, it has our address on it. He knows what to do, and I think you do too. Tell him, renny, he deserves to know. It's the only reason he even has to protect you.

Love XOXO,


P.s., His name is Archer, Archer Palatain. He's a rouge Fae, AKA, he's not allowed in Gerinia.

I stare at the note for what seems like forever. I am speechless as I give the letter back to 'Archer'. He looks at me curiously, and looks as if he's going to ask me something, but he stops, and sighs. Stroking my head as I just lay there in his lap, I usually would find this weird, but I know he is just making sure he can grab me if I try to run. So instead of feeling weird, I feel cautious. He puts one of his hands around my left wrist and grabs the steering wheel with the other, starting up the car and driving away from the club and its blasting music. I tense, but soon relax, and I fall asleep to the steady thump of Archers' heart, and the noise of the city.


I watch the road with one eye, the girl with the other. Soon after we hit the road, she falls asleep, and I smile, glaring at her, I decide to take the oprtunity to make sure I will remember her face, so I won't lose her. I brush some of her hair away to reveal some swirling patterns glowing, scrawled across her body. I had not noticed it before, but they don't look like tattoos. I frown, gently pulling her hair to the side, revealing more swirling patterns falling down in waves of light. I trace each pattern, puzzling over what it is.


I wake to Archer tracing my markings, and I cringe. Then I realise where his other hand is, or rather isn't, the driving wheel. I panic as I look out the window to see a giant truck speeding at us, honking, and I go 'Fae' in the headlights, literally. The last thing I hear before I scream is Archers words,

"Son of a gun."

A/N: Not off to a good start protecting serenity, is it?

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