Angel Brothers

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Pit sat on the floor on his room plucking the lose and useless feathers from Luka's small blue wings. Pit hummed an old tune and Luka tapped at the floor with nothing to focus on.
"Do you have to go?" Luka asked slouching.
"Yeah, when duty calls pit answers" The White wing angel smiled.
"But what if you get hurt?" Luka asked turning to looks at the freckled angel. "I'll be fine Luka, this is my third time going up against evil. I'll be fine" Pit reassured him.
Luka did not look convinced. "But! I'm scared" Luka confesses throwing himself against his brother. Pit looked at him sympathetically. Luka was very young, even by god standards. He was barely 7 and no longer ageing. Pit wrapped his arms around him trying to let his fears subside.
"It's okay Sunflower, I've survived this far. Granted I have a lot to learn about the surface world but if I can find someone. I just need to find the zo- I NEED THE ZODIAC WEAPONS" Pit shot up. Luka looked alarmed and scrambled after Pit after he practically made the door fly off its hinges.
"Wow wow, calm down Child. Why did you scream?" Libra asked.
Pit's words speed up to miles a minute causing no one to understand what he was saying.
"Child, Child. Please slow down. What about the Zodiac weapons" Sagittarius intrumptef.
"Icarus said I needed the Zodiac weapons to force open the gate" Pit explained. Libra nodded, he would since the Zodiacs would be borderline powerless without the powerful charge their realm gave them. The gate was designed to be hard to open so no one could enter but now it seems to have backfired.
"We'll have to see child, we'll find them. Focus of releasing the other Zodiacs. Perhaps we can summon them" Libra suggested. Pit just nodded. Luka pulled him back into the room. Pit closed the door and sat down on his bed. His head hung low in the bland walled room. Bed not as comfortable as it should be for an angel. No windows, just small and closed off. Luka crawled into his lap forcing Pit to sit up.
Luka looked up at him and Pit could only sigh.
The ground was where Pit fought best, he should be better at this. Thoughts raced through Pit's Head. There was no way Pit would be able to do this. The mere thought was overwhelming. Last time he went into war Lady Palutena was there every step of the way! She was his guild and knew how to keep Pit calm in difficult situations even at the expense of his ego.
Luka lightly tapped his face bringing him back from his thoughts. "Your necklace is glowing" Luka said pointing at the locket Lady Maca gave him. "Weird" Pit muttered. He clicked the locket open and the green stone slid out. He looked it over, "It got a message" Pit said bluntly. Pit activated the stone.
Icarus was projected from the stone with the look of panic, of course it wasn't noticeable if you hadn't seen him before.
"Hey um, ok. I don't know how to say this but everything somehow got worse. The portals from the sky to the ground are shut down. I don't know how but it happened. BUT Symphony managed to get down here and fixed the globe so at least we have them. Cupero went back to the mountains before the portals closed so we don't have him. So Trilliton, Apiko, Cupero and Astrata are on the surface and Symphony and I are stuck in the skys.
I hope you can get the gate open soon, no word about Lady Palutena or any other gods. I think I found sunny, I need to get more info so I don't send you on a wild goose chase. But I saw you found Luka! Thank goodness because I was scared to tell you he went missing as well. But erm... Star Dust, keep a brave face. This will all be over soon. I'll take care of it. In the meantime I found a zodiac temple to the east. At the edge of Cupero's territory which is good so you won't freeze because it seems like the main few on the surface. Trilliton, Apiko, Cupero and Astrata have put their natural defenses to an all time high, storming seas with no end, temperatures hotter than the underworld, Snow for as far as the eye can see and storms to long you might as well build and ark." Icarus laughed a little at the end.
"But... Yeah. Symphony is working to get the globe more accurate so when you reach any of the Zodiac temple is any of the regions put your Invalto stone into the center template. It will get the information and send it back up here. Pretty sweet right?" Icarus smiled. The orange haired angel nodded to himself after a few seconds of silence.
"But yeah, that was all I wanted to tell you. I know your used to having your hand being held threw your last war but I can only guild you from a distance. This will be like your first mission, back when Medusa looked like a goblin with snake glued to her head." Icarus laughed. "Love ya Stardust, tell Sunflower I love him and please stay safe, stay strong and I'll see you soon" Icarus' projection disappeared and the stone stopped it's green glow.
Luka looked up at Pit with curiosity but he already had his map out. He zoomed out on his map and tracked to the east. The zodiac temple was just a little north of Lemblux. They could go to the town then they could go to the Zodiac temple.
"Pit" Luka said, getting his attention, " Be careful... please?" Luka asked.
    "I promise" Pit promised.
Pit hugged Luka and kissed his forehead.
            "I'll be fine, i'll be back as soon as I can" Pit stated. Luka nodded, "ok" he said in a smaller voice. Pit picked him up and walked out to the main room.
    "Oh good, i made food" Penna smiled pointing to a bowl over a stove, no doubt magic powered and made since Clover was looking at it with extreme interest.

Pit lied Luka down on his bed, pulling the covers over him.
    "Pit" Luka muttered sleepily, "Why are your freckles white" Luka said sleepily. Pit looked a little shocked and confused. "It's pretty" Luka smiled patting his cheeks before turning and falling asleep. Pit moved away from the bed.
"Weird..." Pit said looking at his arm. Luka was right, his freckles were turning white. It looked like stars which was weird.
Pit slid off his shoes and lied down on the bed.
Pit tapped his stone and looked at the statues just under his own. Pittoo.
    It showed he was cold and Pit thought for a few minutes before transferring his outfit over to the joint space. Since he had a new one he didn't need the old one. He put a few other things in the shared space. Pit slowly drifted off.

    Pittoo smiled seeing the outfit, he had built the hut to be much more stable. With sticks, leafs and dried grass. He was still soaked however but it was just the cold preventing him from drying. Pittoo made haste with changing. Pit's clothing was warm and smelled strongly of roses. Pittoo rolled up up his bed of grass and giant leafs. Pittoo fell asleep with little difficulty with the rain coming down day and night.

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