Chapter 1- The Meeting

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My name is Brooke and I happen to be Irish.  Turns out I have a grandmother that lives in Ireland. I have to go live with her now that I have no parents.  How did this happen?  Ha... funny story actually my parents got murdered by some gang people.  I  don't really know the whole story because the police said it was to "disturbing".  Yeah right i've been through worst.  I should be crying my eyes out, but truth is I have never liked my parents. They were never there for me.  I had to basically live on my own.

I was actually really happy I was getting to leave.  I didn't really have any friends, but that will change. I was going to change my like.. A.K.A START OVER!!!!! I had landed a few hours ago, and was trying to get in touch with my grandmother. That wasn't working.  She said I could come. she sent me the tickets. Yet she never told me exactly how to get there. All I know is that I am in a town called Mullingar. They don't teach about this at school.

So I start walking down this road when this car pulls up.  This. Will. Not. Be. Good.  I was thinking about getting out of there until I see a young blonde hair guy get out.  OMG!!! He's so hot!  Look at those e-. I cut off my daydreaming because I heard him speak.

"What did you say?" I managed to pop out.

"I wondered what you were doing walking on the road.." he said with a thick Irish accent.

"ummm.. trying to get to my grandmother's"I faintly replied. Why did he have to be so dang hot!

"Well thanks" He said smirking.

"Did I really say that?" I said while facepalming.

"Ya you kinda did, but do you need a ride?  Where does your grandma live?"he asked while blushing.

"My grandmother's name is Cindy Whisp. I doubt you know who she is."

We stood there in silence for a bit and I noticed his gaze on my lips. He is totally kissable.

"Well thanks!!" he said and started laughing histarically.

I need to stop doing that. I started blushing so bad.

"I happen to know your grandmother though. She lives next to me." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Wow that's awesome! Can you take me there? Pleeeaaassseee?"I begged

"Woah there. No need with those cute little puppy dog lips. I was going to take you anyway."

"Did you just say i had c-"I was cut off.

"Into the car! We need to go it's getting dark.

So we both got in the car and drove to my grandmothers house. It really didn't take long to get there. I was suprised at how close I got.  Honestly, I had no idea where I was going. We finally pulled into her drive way. I then noticed I had never gotten his name.

"My names Niall." He said like he could read my thoughts. Or did I speak my mind again... hmmm..

"Well my name is Brooke."

"I like that name." Was he flirting with me? "That is my flat nextdoor."

"Cool! So you want to introduce me to my grandmother?"


So we went up to the door and rang the bell. Then an old lady with a cane in her hand opened the door. She looked at Niall and then looked at me. She looked confused then she had relief.

"Welcome Brooke" She said. I must have looked really confused because she said "You look like your mother."

"Oh well it's nice to meet you grandma."

"Brooke look I have some bad news." Oh great. "I'm leaving. This cancer institue in america is paying for everything so I can come there.  I have a rare cancer and they want me there to see if they can cure me. I know you just arrived, but i'm giving you my house, car , and all my money."

I was so shocked I didn't know what to do.

"So your basically leaving me like my parents did!" I bursted out.

"No Brooke I-"

"You know, whatever. Have a nice flight, and dont die.

With that I went into the house and started looking around. Until I found my mother's old room.



So hey to anyone reading this!!!!!! Well I decided to do a fanfic for one direction cuz my friends were so why not! I'm doing Niall cuz I have this really good idea so ya!!!!!! but to the right that is what brooke looks like. Ya have a great day byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

-Faith W.

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