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"Not tonight " Kiaan said and moved back after placing a kiss on her forehead. Adira pressed her lips together tightly, she wanted to pull him back but wasn't ready to give him any importance. She muttered "Stupid mutt " and stomped away. He smiled hearing her .

Next morning, Reya got up feeling fresh, Atharv was also laying beside her.

She nuzzled against him with a smile and settled down again, she wasn't ready to get up yet. Atharv kissed her forehead, seeing how cute she was.

"Get up, baby. We need to go to college " He said getting up himself. Reya made a pout but got up. He left to get ready himself.

Reya wasn't feeling any different, but when she touched the place where Atharv had bitten her, she felt tingles flowing through her body. She looked into the mirror, but there was no apparent mark and Reya wasn't feeling any different.

Adira and Ishaan left for college together. The latter was surprised to see that Adira wasn't marked yet. But he didnt ask any questions.

It was decided that they would hang out at Ishaan's place after college. Kiaan wasn't going to return from work any time soon.

They settled down in the living area. Reya was sitting beside Atharv, his arm was placed around her. Adira looked at Reya, wiggling her eyebrows " Finally marked."

"Yup ! I also wanted to ask about it " lshaan said and Reya was thinking that how did they got to know about it, there was no visible mark.

Atharv said "Firefly, your mark is very much clear to every supernatural being. Only humans won't be able to see it."

Then he turned towards everyone else "Yes ! I marked her last night and you can see that she is still a human. "

Ishaan nodded, Ansh turned towards Adira " Why isn’t you marked yet?" he asked.

"Why are you dying to see me marked by that Mutt ?!" Adira grumbled and Ishaan started laughing. After that, the conversations started flowing easily.

Kiaan got back early, he looked restless and worried. When he saw everyone in the lounge area, he also settled down beside Adira

"Is everything okay, Big B ?" Zoya asked.
"I needed to have some words with Atharv " Kiaan informed.

Atharv sat up straighter, Kiaan continued " Three girls have gone missing from the city, today a corpse was found, police is thinking that it's done by some animal. But I saw it, it's not some animal's doing. They have left cuts on the body of the girl which looked like claw marks."

Reya sucked a deep breathe hearing it, Zoya was feeling shocked also. "Maybe it's the work of some serial killer or something. Why did you need to talk to Atharv ?" Adira asked.

"There's a certain pattern about missing girls. Police hadn't taken notice before thinking that they ran off or something. All girls were Eighteen but this dead body told a different story. The dark energy surrounding the corpse was enough to notify that it's the working of a black magic witch. I think the claw marks were created to give it the look of Animal's doing." Kiaan explained.

"I am still not understanding what does it have to do with Atharv ?" Adira asked frustrated.

Kiaan sighed "I hope you know that Reya is special, she can change the fate of a clan if she is used rightfully. And why do you think a witch would have gone crazy for 18 years old girls in our city? They don't have a habit of killing people and getting attention, they like to stay in their own place, away from humans. She must be looking for Reya and it's not the first time, things have gone strange over here. Clans have come to claim her time to time. It was just that we were able to keep them away from Reya. But this one is killing human girls, maybe she is too smart or a big full."

"I think you are thinking too much. It may not be about Reya." Adira said and Atharv nodded and said " Yes, I don't think there's anything to worry about. You must be thinking too much."

Kiaan let out a frustrated sigh . He decided to let it go for then and got up.

Atharv had pulled Reya in his arm and started soothing her hair when Kiaan was busy explaining the whole thing. She wasn't feeling worried as Atharv looked relax.

Atharv dropped Reya and Zoya and their place and went home. Kiaan went to his room and Adira followed him.

He was pacing in the room, Adira got infront of him. She held her shirt and made him sit on the bed. "Stop stressing, we will not let anyone hurt Reya." She said running her hand through his hair.

Kiaan hid his face in her tummy," She is like a younger sister to me. I know I have never been the affectionate type. But they are a lot to me."

When Adira looked down, she saw that his eyes were getting red without control. She felt her heart melting for him at that moment. The strong unruinable Werewolf King was worried for his family. The one who liked to control everything and everyone wasn't having that much of a control. She felt herself falling a bit more for him at that moment.

She leaned down and kissed his eyes one by one, Kiaan let out a deep breathe and pulled her in his lap.

"Atharv is also worried, he will keep Reya safe. He only agreed with me at that moment because Reya was getting scared and Atharv didn't want that. " She explained touching his cheek. She didn't like to see him sad or worried.

Kiaan turned his face to her hand and kissed her palm. The atmosphere of the room changed at that time. Adira felt his need to kiss her as her own.

Before she could think it through, she moved her head and placed her lips on his. Kiaan held her neck, controlling her movements. They kissed each other softly and sweetly. There was no aggression or hurry in it.

When Adira moved back, she looked at him with half open lids. Kiaan kissed her forehead and placed his head on her shoulder.

khaali daaman, tishna lab , bikhra dil

Hm usy haar kr zinda loty hen🖤


Meri zaat to sirf bikhry jazbon ki maiyat he

Usny meri muhbt mera yakeen sb tor dia he🖤

Assalamualikum friends ! An update after a long wait ...

Hope that you will forgive me for the wait.

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