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*Wedding Day**

I woke up to the sound of the door bell, I pulled on sweat pants and ran down the stairs and opened the door. "mom!" I yelled "hey honey, you ready for your big day?" she asked hugging me, I heard the other girls walk downstairs shuffling there feet. "good morning ladies" my mom hugged them all, "want some breakfast?" she asked us all. "please!" I said running upstairs to make sure harry grabbed everything before he left lastnight. once I saw he had everything had been taken, I walked into Darcey's room. "good morning baby" I said softly since Darcey was just like her father and hated mornings. "mommy" she said half asleep. I picked her up, and she put her head down on my shoulder and fell back asleep. I walked downstairs and saw lou was going to be here any mi ute to do our hair and make up. I put Darcey down on the couch so she could wake up on her own since I don't want a cranky little girl. "have you talked to harry?" my mom asked as I was walking into the kitchen to make everyone coffee. "nope, I text him good night and no response" I said turning on the coffee maker. then the door bell rang, I ran to open it "lou!!" I yelled "Alyssa" she yelled back and hugged me with lux on her hip, "hello ms lux" I smiled and hugged her taking her from Lou's arms so she could set up. "you excited for your big day?" she asked "I'm so excited but soo nervous!" I said before walking into the living room to turn on the tv so the girls could watch cartoons. the door bell rang again and it was the photographer, the photographer was so nice she started snapping pictures as soon as we all got introduced, I walked into the living and sat down at the bar and watched my mom make breakfast, "all done" she said handing me a plate and my cup of coffee. I quickly ate and drank my cup of coffee and ran upstairs, I forgot to put my whitening strips on when I got up. I quickly put them on and walked into harrys closet to put on one of his flannels, since you should wear a button down when getting your hair and makeup down. I walked downstairs and saw lou doing Abby's hair and makeup, I sat and watched her do everyone's hair and makeup, she was so good at it. she did an amazing job on all the girls hair and makeup I couldn't wait to see how she was gonna do mine considering I didn't tell her how I wanted it. she called me into the dining room where she was doing the make up and hair, I sat in the chair. "okay how do you want your hair?" she asked brushing it out. "honestly however you want to do it, I just want curls" I said. "okay I know just what to do" she said. I sat in the chair for what seemed like an hour but she was finally done, "okay now for your makeup, still want me to decide how to do it?" she asked. I nodded and closed my eyes, she finished everything and showed me in a mirror. "omg lou you have done it again!" I said turning my head in the mirror, "do you like it??" she asked excited. "like it? lou I love it!" I said and hugged her, she did my moms hair last since it would only take a few minutes, "Darcey sweetie" I yelled. "yes mommy?" she said walking into the living room. "mommy pretty!" she said as I picked her up. "aww thank you baby! we have to go get dressed so I can marry daddy. okay?" I said as we walked upstairs. I sat her on my bed and walked into the guest room to get her dress, I took off her pjs and slipped on the dress, I brought her into the bathroom and brused her hair then put a pink bow in her hair. "all done" I said as we walked into the bedroom. "mommy I want your lipstick" she pointed to my lips, my mother use to kiss my lips so I could be just like her so I did the same with Darcey. "mommy I'm pretty now to!" she smiled "baby you're always beautiful" I said as we walked downstairs, I saw we had about an hour or two left until we had to get to the church, "okay girls it's time to get dressed!" I yelled walking back up, my mom had left with Darcey to get herself dressed and she was going to meet us at the church. we all walked into the guest room and it was more crowded then I thought. "girls I'm gonna go into my room and get dressed so you girls have more room" I grabbed my dress and walked into the room, I had lou help me and a few minutes later sophia walked in and help as well, the photographer was bouncing from room to room taking pictures of us all, once all the girls were done they came in and we got some group shots. "okay girls it's time to go!" lou yelled after looking at her watch, I opened both the bedroom doors so I could get my dress out, then I asked lou to check if there was anything we missed or forgot. I walked downstairs with the help of everyone, "okay lux baby it's time to go" I said poking my head into the living room. she ran in after turning off the tv, lou came down in her dress and got in the last group picture before we left. the limo pulled into the driveway and I told lou and lux to ride with us so she didn't have to drive besides we had plenty of room. we all pilled into the limo and the driver pulled out of the drive way, "ready to be mrs styles?" lou asked "I'm beyond ready!" I smiled. "how about some champagne before the wedding" abby said pouring a glass for herself. then she poured a glass for everyone else. "I'd like to say something, I couldn't be more happier for you and harry. when I found out you were coming to London I knew this was going to change your life forever but definitely in a good way" Kendall said tearing up. "Kendall don't cry babe you're gonna ruin your makeup" I said smiling "sorry but I can tell how happy he makes you and he gave you a beautiful baby girl and a niece for me and everyone else, I just wanna wish you a lifetime of happiness" she said as we all clinked our glasses together. "i would also like to say something" Lou said after sipping "I've known harry for a few years now and I don't think I have ever seen him more happy then I have when he's with you, when we're on tour you're all he talks about and thinks about. you're the love of his life." she said I couldn't help but tear up a little bit, "thank you all so much!" I said sipping my glass again.

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