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4 years later

Izumi POV

I Can't believe it (A/N: I can) I'm the number one hero and I'm getting married to the number two hero Shoto, and today is my wedding day.Right now I'm in the dressing room putting on my wedding dress while my bridesmaids are talking to each other.

"OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE OUR LITTLE CINNAMON ROLL IS GETTING MARRIED!!" Uraraka shouted tears rolling down her cheeks. "Oi stop being dramatic about it Uraraka it was bound to happen sooner or later."ohh I forgot Uraraka and Asui were married right after we graduated from school, Aya is Uraraka and Asui's daughter, she has green her like Asui and brown eyes like Uraraka. "Here you go Ochako." Asui place a small sleeping baby girl in her arms.

"So Izumi when are you gonna tell him?" Jiro asked me looking up from her dress. "What" I was confused. "Don't act dumb Izumi when are you gonna tell him..... you know" Yaoyorozo said wiggling her eyebrows, ohh now I get it.

"Maybe I can tell him today since it's our big day." I forgot to mention I'm two month pregnant with twins and I'm completely nervous to tell Shoto.

"Okay, okay enough of the talking and more dressing up shall we." Hagakure yelled.


After what felt like years we were finally finished, the door open to reveal my Endeavor who was in a white suit and he gave me a smile.

"Come on the ceremony is about to begin." He stretched his arms out And i locked mine with his, we walk to the place. Our wedding place was in the park that's were I suggested. As the music play I started to get nervous.

"Izumi are you nervous?" Endeavor asked. "Yea I'm, I mean I'm getting married in front of millions of people plus on TV." I said. "Don't worry it's normal because you and Shoto are the number one and two top heroes everyone wants to see the wedding of the century." He chuckled. "Y-yea your right." I stutter.

As they push open a tangle of vines to reveal everyone standing and my eyes immediately locked with Shoto's who was standing on the platform and gave me a wink, I blush and was walking down the isle. I finally reach the platform were Endeavor whispers to Shoto.

"Take care of her or else." Endeavor said but smile then moved to the side.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered
here to celebrate the marriage of Shoto Todoroki and Izumi Midoriya, you may now say your vows." The priest said

"I Shoto Todoroki take you Izumi Midoriya to be my wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, 'till death do us apart, no matter what challenges cross our path, I'll happily take it as long as your by my side." Shoto said happily, and slipped the wedding ring on my finger.

"I Izumi Midoriya take Shoto Todoroki to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us apart, no matter what challenges cross our path, I'll happily take it as long as your by our side." I said happily and slipped the wedding on his finger.

"Wait what do you mean by 'our side'?" Shoto said confused. "Umm Shoto I wanted to tell you that I'm two months pregnant, with twins and the baby is yours." I said looking in his mismatched eyes.

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