Chapter Two

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Zarina POV:

   After I took care of Lucas' Alpha we went, and got his stuff down in the basement.

When Lucas was done with getting his stuff we headed to the front door.

We went the door and headed to my car we got in and drove away from Lucas house.

I couldn't believe Lucas went through of being abused by not only his Alpha but the whole pack too.

I just wanted to rip his Alpha's head off again for doing that to Lucas.

I looked over at Lucas to see he had some fear in his eyes.

He looked like he was not given proper food because he looked malnourished.

"You can go to sleep because we won't be in my territory for a few hours," I told him softly.

"Ok," he said back quietly.

Two hours.later:

    It's been two hours we have been on the road. Lucas was still sleeping since he looked really tired.

I could see the pack house come into view. I decided to wake him up before we got there.

"Lucas it's time to wake up, I said while shaking his shoulders.

It took a minute to get him up and out of his slumber. He look around for a second of not knowing where he was at first.

He then cooled down after he looked at me and sighed with relief.

We pulled into the driveway to my house since I don't live in the pack house.

I got out of the car along with Lucas and headed to the front door.

I took the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door then I walked in.

Lucas followed close behind me and I can still feel the fear radiating off of him.

Was he scared of me? Was he scared of why he is here? The questioned kept swirling in my head.

I didn't want him to be scared of me I just wanted him to feel cherished and loved.

"Are you scared of me," I asked.

Lucas POV:

  "Are  you scared of me," she asked me.

I admit I was scared but not of her I was scared of what would happen to me here.

"No I am not scared of you," I said.

"Then why do I feel fear coming off of your body," she replied.

"I am scared but not of you but at the outcome of what's going to happen to me here," I spoke honestly.

"You shouldn't have to feel scared nothing is going to happen to you on my watch," she said.

"What is going to happen to me here though," I asked confusion in my voice.

"You can either be the Alpha while I am the Luna or I stay the Alpha while you will be my Male Luna," she said.

I didn't what to be the Alpha of the pack because of how weak I am.

I would rather be the Male Luna instead of the Alpha role.

"I think I rather be the Male Luna instead of the Alpha," I said.

"That's okay I will stay the Alpha while we do a ceremony for you joining the pack and becoming the Male Luna," she said.

I sighed a breath of relief when she said that. I was nervous about the ceremony to be honest, I hoped I could be a good Male Luna.

"When are we going to be doing the joining ceremony Alpha Black," I said.

"You are my mate and my equal you don't have to call me Alpha Black you can just call me Zarina," she said.

"Ok, I replied.

"And to answer your question we will be holding the joining ceremony in a few weeks,"she said.

After she told when the ceremony was going to be she headed into I think was the kitchen.

My answer was correct when I walked into the hardwood floor of the kitchen.

The kitchen had a chandelier hanging from the roof. There was a island table with a few chairs behind it.

There was a black refrigerator,oven, and a pantry.
It was a really nice kitchen.

"What do you want to eat," Zarina said out of nowhere.

"Whatever you have," I replied.

She nodded her head and pulled out a carton of eggs and a package of bacon and she got out a frying pan.

She started the oven a set the frying pan on the round center and she started cracking the eggs and mixing it.

She unwrapped the foil from the bacon and took a few slices of the bacon to put it in the frying pan.

Twenty Minutes Later:

  She went to one of the white cabinets and took a red plate out of it.

She set the plate by the stove then she took a spatula to take the bacon and eggs out of the frying pan.

She put the bacon and eggs on the plate and she walked toward me and she set the plate infront of me.

"Eat it," she said.

"Ok," I said back.

I took a piece of bacon and started to chew on it slowly while she just stared at me.

I finished it about ten minutes later. Zarina got up and took the plate from my hands to take it to the sink.

"Follow me," she said.

I followed her to another room that looked like the living room. It had a huge flat screen TV on the wall with a few black couches in the front of it. There was a fireplace in the corner with a few chairs to.

She walked over to the couch and sat down me following neither one of us said a word to each other.





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