Chapter 1

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/third pov\


shinwos alarm clock went off *groans* shinwo shut of his alarm he got up and went to the bathroom brushing his teeth and washing his face when done he walked to his closet and grabed his uniform putting it on and going to the kitchen while grabing his phone and headphones to listen to music to he went ahead and pluged it up and playing his play list before leaving he went to his bathroom and took 2 of his pills for heat since he is werewolf and it is around the time  for mating season then he grabed his bag and head out the door making sure to lock it behind him he shoved his key into his bag and headed for school while on his way he ran into a black hair kid looked to be the same age wearing the same uniform "yo if you don't start moving your going to be late" he said bluntly continuing to walk knowing if he stops he will be late

walking into his first period class shinwo goes and sits at his desk and lays his head down not really wanting to be there he know everything why does he have to come here almost everyday? he belives its stupid but to keep his cover he does it anyway he has made a friend tho while here although he hasent told him about being werewolf yet he dosent want anything happing to inecent people because of him so he keeps to himself he also has to put up a fake act witch in his opinion is stupid but again don't want people figuring out

the door to the class room opens and Mr.park walks in with the kid he told to move faster earler  today "this is a knew student class he moved from over seas he is not frequent with the launge so please understand he will not talk much but his name is...." Mr.park trails off looking at him hopeing to at least get a name out of him "cadis etrama di raizel" he said simply all the girls were faning over him while most boys were jealous of him but shinwo just looked out the window to evoid his gaze "yes ,anyway you will be sitting by shinwo,please raise your hand" Mr.park said shinwo raised his hand still looking out the window but quickly glanced at him to see raizel all ready at the seat next to him so he put his hand down and just sat there looking out the window

/shinwos pov\

I just looked out the window not really caring about who he was but something tells me he is not normal ill have to ask boss later who he might be well maybe at lunch I can call him and ask but til then ima get some sleep I need some for tonight mission

~~~time skip to lunch time~~~

/third pov\

shinwo had walked to the roof of the school all ready trying to call his boss "hello?" asked from the other side of the phone "hello boss I called to ask a question" shinwo says leaning agenst a wall that was on the roof "yes?" he asked "you see there is this knew 'kid' in my class period but I have a feeling he isent just a 'normal kid' I can feel some kind of awoare off him that has a uneasy vibe" shinwo finshed looking at the time "hm well he could from lukedonia try and find a way to sence more of his power and report back when you get don't with tonights mission " the boss said "yes sir" shinwo said hanging up and walking back down to his next period after lunch since it was almost time for lunch to be over

~~~time skip to after school~~~

/shinwos pov\

I was walking home haven't gotten anymore information on raziels power I figure ill try and find out more tomorrow right now I have a mission that needs to be done I get to my apartment and unlock it walking in heading to my closet to get my suit I use for missions so no one knows its me I go to the bathroom and change real quick I go over to my desk and pick up the papers that had the mission

       you are to go to werewolf territory and find out as much as you can and head back to head quarters and report back

is all it said so I make my way out of my apartment and use inhuman speed to get there as I walk up on shore of the island werewolfs are I take my hood down "i missed it here"


first chapter done I cant wait to write more *smiles* also don't forget to like and leave a comment on any suggestions  

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