Chapter 4

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/shinwos pov\

I pull my head up from my sleep looking around seeing I wasent asleep long 'that's good I wont be yelled at' I think while putting my head back into my arms not really caring much since I know this its basic you have to have all ready known this to be a assasian *groans* 'this shit boring what time is it?' I think while looking over at the clock seeing only 5 mintues left then I can get out of this hell

/third pov\

the bell rang and the students swarmed out of the room to go home shinwo was getting up and heading to the door when someone pulled on his sleeve he looks back and see the noblesse\Raizel  is the one pulling him back shinwo raises a brow "Hm?, wanna hang?" he asks seeing him nod a bit "ok come on then" shinwo says not trying to be mean but wanting to get out of the hell hole of what people call school

Once they were outside shinwo looked around "were you wanna go?, Maybe to get some tea or something?" He asked looking at Raizel he nodded while looking the other way a tent of pink lightly covering his cheeks shinwo noticed but chose to ignore it heading in the direction of a coffee shop he held the door while Raizel walked in waiting for shinwo to follow shinwo shows him to a counter and they order and finding a seat   *ring*

Shinwo looks at his phone and sees the caller ID seeing it's his boss he looks at Raizel "hey I have to answer this I'll be right back ok?" He asks / says Raizel just nodded to him shinwo answered the call while heading to the bathroom seeing no one inside "hello boss, is there something you need?" Shinwo asks while leaning against the counter "shinwo this us serious we just found out that the union is planning to blow up buildings,there implanting bombs in a while bunch of them you need to hurry and try and deactivate them now!" Shinwos boss hurrys to say. Shinwo looked shocked then got it together , "got it I'll have it done it no time, send me the coordinates" shinwo says feeling bad he has to leave Raizel but he will be back hopefully he can get this done and he won't be found out because of this *ding* shinwo quickly looks at his phone and sees about 5-10 bombs in some of the biggest buildings

Shinwo rushes out of the bathroom and to his and Raizels table "hey I'm sorry something come up suddenly it's very important I have to get this done I dont know if I'll be back I probably will so stay here ok?" Shinwo says as usually Raizel just nods showing no emotion

/Shinwos pov\

I feel bad about leaving the noblesse there but I need to disable these bombs before anyone else finds out and y cover is blown since I don't have some to get my suit so I try and pull something over my face but quickly go to the first building and find the bomb

/Raizels pov\

Shinwo just rushed out like that I wonder what was so important
But I just sit and sip on my tea doing as he said and just to stay here

~~~time skip 1 hour later~~~

/Raizels pov\

It's bin about an hour now and shinwo still hasent came back maybe he forgot I was about to get up when the door open and shinwo walks in I give him a questioning look he walks over and sits down "I didn't forget about you...sorry I took so long it didn't go as I expected" he says he looks a bit nervous and he had put on a jacket I nod at him and drink the last of my tea " wanna go walk?" He asks I nod an we get up we walk towards the door he opens it for me as I walk out and we comes beside me

We just walked for about a nother hour in  a comfortable silence around the city streets "want me to take you home?" shinwo asks I just look at him a bit wondering if I should just nod or say 'yes' so I pick the second choice and breath a bit "yeah" I say quietly thinking he did not hear me I was just about to nod " ok just show me the way to your house ok?" he asks "ok" I say quietly again

I show him the way to frankenstains house and we walk in "bye Raizel I would love to stay but right now I need to get back home ill see you tomorrow at school" he says and walks away from the house I shut the door and continue my way to the living room sitting at one of the couches frankentain walks in "hello master when did you get back?" he asks going into the kitchen to start making me some tea"just now" I say waiting for my tea "oh" he says hearing over and setting the cup down on the table while bowing

/shinwos pov\

I was heading home I was about to go into the ally to get home faster but just deisided to go the long way but right when I was walking by and someone pulled me back harshly "it was a good idea I give you that but your to slow" were the last words I hear before being knocked out


yay!!!! another chapter done I hope you enjoyed vote and comment any mistakes please


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