Chapter 5

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/third pov \

shinwo woke up to find himself in a what seemed to be a wear house he looked around and saw a few people huddled around one of them looked over at shinwo "oh so your finally awake I see" one of the guys said and started walking over to him shinwo just looked down not wanting to get involved with them all he wanted was to get the hell out of here and  home the guy crouched down to shinows level and lifted his head to look at him "your just here as bait pretty boy once we have lured him to us with your absence we wont need you and probley kill you if your lucky we can make you just forget what happened but wheres the fun in that" the guy said "oh names jake its not like you need it but thought I would give it to you any way" and walked away leaving shinwo

shinwo began to think of ways to get out whos knows how long this will take and who was he trying to lure in anyway obvious it had to be someone he knew and he had a pretty good idea who it was since you don't find people like these everyday

there the experiments that were successful unlike most that where failed and either killed or had more experiments done to them until they either died or it worked but sadly most of them were just killed

shinwo just continued to think about who the person could be then a idea came to mind

'why the hell did I not think of him early im I that stupid?' shinwo thinks as thoughts go to the one and only noblesse raiziel

He blushes a bit thinking of the noblesse but then remembers his situation and comes back to reality and looks all around begining a plan to escape without being seen and by telling they don't know he is half werewolf so he could make claws and cut the ropes without making a seane and get away at the right time

/Shinwo's pov\

I thought about the plan , 'So I'll go ahead and cut the ropes a bit to make them loose and at the right time cut them all the way and get away'. I nod to myself and go ahead and cut the ropes a bit but not all the way. I look around and rest my head on the wall behind me. 'My head is killing me' i groan a bit but not to noticable and squeeze my eyes shut

I shake it off after a couple of minutes pass and look to my left 'they put me next to a door? Where the logic in that' I laugh a bit in the inside and look straight so they don't think I'm getting any ideas of escaping. When they are distracted I'll make a run for it, or try. Since I have bin on my knees for a while they feel weak but I'm sure I can get away.

I sit here for a while maybe a couple hours before a couple of them left to go out and search the area if anyone is near or trying to brake in 'its a fucking wear house who would want to brake into it?' I shake the question away and look around. Theres only  tao (ok soo I don't think I named all people and I don't believe I all ready put tao takio and m-21 did I tho? Please tell me so I can make new names if I did) 'hm I believe I can get past him so all I need to do is finish cutting the ropes and get out the door' I nod to myself and go ahead and cut the ropes and pull them off gently to not make a noise. After that I quietly move closer to the door, once more near it I slowly get up a bit and once I saw I was good I quickly banged open the door and ran out.

I had ran and ran wanting nothing but to get away from that wear house. Once I was far enough away I slowed down to a jog and quickly made sure I was not being followed. I checked real quick once I knew there wasent I made my way to my apartment. I open the door gently closeing it behind me and collapsing on the floor and breathing hard I maybe a werewolf but I still get tired out. My vision blurd a bit but I ignored it and got up anyway and walked to the kitchen getting some water and walking to my room.

I set the water on my dresser and get some clothes out and walk to my bathroom. I set the clothes on the counter near the sink and peel off my sweaty ones putting them in the dirty clothes. I set the water on warm and get into the warm feeling of the water and relax closing my eyes, and eventually falling asleep


I had bin in class not really paying attention to what the teacher was saying but not falling asleep so I started to sketch

After class was over I got my stuff together and was about to leave when I feel a pull on my sleeve so I look to the person who pulled it seeing raizel and smiles "what's up raizel?" I asked looking at him and his aforab- not now I quickly cut myself off and give him a queesting look he looked around but then looked back at me seeing there was no more students in the room he looked down for a while we stood there in silence for a while then he looked back at me 'His blood red eyes are just so pretty' I think getting lost in the color he leans in a bit so we are nose to nose now just staring into each other's eyes what ever he was doing he seemed hesitant to do it so I give him a reasuring smile he takes that as a sign to continue and what he did next shocked me

Raizel kissed me

It wasent a long passinet kiss but it was not slopy either not wanting him to feel rejected I kissed him back closing my eyes and fully Turing to him putting my hand around his waist he just put his arms around my neck to try and deepen the kiss but I pulled away for a second and look at his blood red eyes "I love you raizel" I say and to my surprise in a low voice "I love you to shinwo"

           &End of dream&

/ Shinwo's pov\

I julted up from the bath looking around me only realizing it was a dream I was a bit disappointed but got over it shivering a bit I got out of the tub and dried myself off and put on the confey clothes on and got into bed. Getting under the covers to warm up from the coldness I fall back to sleep only this time no dream came only darkness all around

            &Dreamish thing&

I looked all around and saw nothing but darkness getting confused I reach out my hand to get and see if anything or anyone was out there feeling nothing I put my hand back to me side and look around





I started to hear all around me different people showing up to say each one

You should kill your self it won't matter anyway

Your just more of a burden to everyone

Do everyone a favor and die no one needs a day

All the voices started saying looking around seeing my parents old friends and someone I wish I didn't see here


And what he said next hurt me and wanting to never go back to school

Why would I want to date someone like you? Why would you think I'm a faggot like you it's discustig I wish we never met

With that the tears started going down my face without realizing it but I wiped them away the best I could and kept trying to tell myself it's not real it's all just in my head but I couldent

               &Dreamish thing end&

/Third pov\
Shinwo had woken up in a cold sweat but just tried to ignore all the comments the voices in his head made it was hard but he manidged to ignore most of them


The one that sounded like raizel was the one that got to him the most he tried everything

Listening to music
Hell even cleaning

But nothing was helping him so he just sighed knowing that it wasent going to leave him alone so shinwo will try to adapt to having it there but being around raziel was going to be a bit hard since the voice was just like his and having said all it did it was a bit hard to tell if it was true or not

1522 words

Sorry I haven't updated in like months but here you go I put a lot of effort into it

I will also try to start another chapter and get it published by Saturday Sunday? Or next week


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