Chapter 6

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/Third pov\

As shinwo went through the rest of his day the voice in his head just worse and worse as the day went on. Even though he has almost done everything he could think of there was still a couple he thought of... But he didn't want to as much knowing it's bad for him.

Shinwo lost the internal battle and ended up at the bookshelf with the cigarette pack and lighter he sighed to himself and gave in picking up the pack and taking one out of its box and closing It ba k setting it back on the shelf and picking up the lighter and lighting it.

Walking away from the bookshelf and gently put the lighter down on some random desk he went to the window he has in his bedroom and opens it leaning out just staring out at korea and let out small breaths and taking in the chemicals not letting it effect him. Once he finished off the last of the cigarette shinwo put it out and left the window open and went to change.

/Shinwo's pov\

I have school tommorow so I have to get up early I look back at the window I move back over looking out over at the beautiful view just taking in everything glad the voices had went away for a while and hoping that they won't bother me as much tommorow since I'll be in school but they will probley get worse since I'll be around raizel. I sigh and move back over to my bed and lay down but putting a alarm for an hour before school starts and plugging my phone into a charger. Hugging the pillow I start to fall into a dark pit

 -Next morning-

/Third pov\

Shinwo's alarm clock hade went off startling him groning while Turing it off he got up and walked over to his bathroom and did his normal routine and went to put his clothes on

Shinwo walked down to the kitchen and grabbed something to eat real quick while getting his phone and headphones and get his bag while heading out the door and leaving for school

As shinwo was walking he saw ikhan and sui aloung with yuna he shrugs and walks up to them "yo" he said having his hands in his pockets they looked back to see who it was a but startled but then saw it was shinwo and relaxed a bit "oh hey shinwo it's bin a while since we've talked" ikhan said giving a smile while pushing his glasses up his nose a bit "yeah who else?" Shinwo says anf they continue to walk to school together

Shinwo had went inside the classroom going to his seat and just staring out the window while having mixed thoughts

While shinwo was staring out the window raizel had sat in his seat whitch wasent to far away from his and had looked over to shinwo seeing him stare out the window looking without a care in the world

Raizel had bin staring at shinwo for a while no one really noticed they just thought he was looking out the window and left him be for the block

Shinwo had layed his head in his arms and closed his eyes not really tired but wanting to rest his eyes for a while

-time skip after school still 3rd pov-

Raizel had went to Frankensteins office and had his tea while waiting to go home as he was waiting raizel started to stare off into space while drinking his tea and looking out the window

Raizel had bin looking out the window in class and also looking at shinwo but trying to no make it be noticed so he would take glances and then look they other way when someone would look his way or they teacher was looking over at them

The class had ended and raizel had caught up to shinwo and tugged on his shirt while looking at him shinwo had turned around and saw it was only raizel and calmed down " what's up raizel?"
Shinwo questioned him raizel had leaned in but looked around a bit and had also bin looking at shinwo after a couple minutes had went by of this raizel took it in himself and leaned forward and kissed the red head shinwo was shocked at first but once he knew it was happining he kissed raizel back and had put a arm around his neck a d having the other around his wait pulling him closer to himself raizel was a bit shocked but let it be and continued to kiss shinwo after another minute or two they had to separate to get a breath of air but once they had shinwo went back and kissed raizel but moved the hand that was on his neck under his shirt and started to play with his nipples "ahh~" was the only thing you could hear as raizel was taking it he enjoyed it but also didn't want to do IT here so he pulled away and pointed to the class room "ah we dont have to do it in here how about we go to my apartment?" Shinwo asked raizel nodded his head and they walked to shinwo's apartment-
          &End of Day dream&

Raizel had bin brought out of thought by a door opening and closing he looked over and saw the one and only shinwo standing there he looked back at his tea and took another sip making It look like he was paying no mind to shinwo or knew he was there

Shinwo walked in Frankensteins office and looked around seeing he had left to do something but raizel was still there 'perfact' he thought and went over to him " hey wanna go hang out?" Shinwo asked while offering a hand out to raizel

Raizel looked up at shinwo and nodded his head 'yes' and took his hand and got up yes he didn't need shinwo's help up but the feeling of shinwo's hand on his was amazing he let go once he was up and looked at shinwo since he was the one that had suggested they 'hang out' shinwo got the message and lead him out and to the front of the school and brought him /more like dragged/ raizel around with him

They went to shinwo's apartment and rested a bit shinwo had took glances at raizel when he wasent looking and looked away they reason he had asked him to hang out was to ask him out or at least tell him about his feelings so here is his chance so shinwo took a deep breath and faced raizel

"Raizel" shinwo had said a little shaky but kept his postcher and looked him in they eyes "I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, i-i like y-you" shinwo has studderd out while losing it and looking away with his eyes closed and scared out of his life

Raizel couldn't believe it shinwo liked him back?!? He could admit to his feelings as well finally raizel had tapped shinwo's shoulder wanting him to look at him shinwo was nervous but slowly looked over to him opening his eyes

Raizel had smiled at him and leaned in looking shinwo in his eyes and kissed him lightly and pulled away shinwo had a look of shock and looked at raizel , raizel had nodded his head meaning yes

Shinwo had hugged him and stayed there for a while just relaxing a bit but not to the point he would fall asleep raizel had begain to stroke through his soft red hair while enjoying the peaceful silence.


Not my best but it took a week or two 🤪 so I wanted to get it out to you guys also any grammer mistakes you can correct in the comments please I'll work hard on the next chapter have a awesome day/afternoon/ night


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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