Chapter 24

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Pepper listened to the JARVIS party line through the Mark V case and the Mark VI suit which was strapped into a seat next to her on Bob's small submarine. Tony had somehow convinced his captors he was qualified to pilot the Villa. He was definitely a genius, but Pepper was pretty sure he didn't have any experience with submarines. As far as she knew, Stark Industries had only supplied the Navy with deck guns and weapons that could be fired from aircraft. Probably, at some point, Tony would need to turn his sound back on so Mike or Bob could help him.

However, from the background voices carrying on in Arabic, it was apparent they weren't leaving him alone.

"Um, guys?" Tony said in a stealthy, under-his-breath tone, "I don't like the way my hosts are pointing at me and arguing amongst themselves. I think someone just remembered I have an arc reactor and they're deciding when I'll be expendable enough to gank it." He paused, faked a cough, and continued a little softer. "JARVIS, give me audio at 25%. Rhodey, talk to me, buddy."

"Looks like they wanted more than the Mark V. They sent enough Mi-24s to transport all their people and then some." Rhodey had to talk over the sound of multiple bullets ricocheting off his armor. At least Pepper could understand his jargon. She hadn't spent all those years at SI when they were a weapons developer without picking up plenty of background knowledge in the business. Mi-24s were Russian attack helicopters. Rhodey's voice wasn't panicked, but it was stressful enough for Pepper to realize it was not going to be a 'this-shouldn't-take-long' thing like he first thought.

Decision time. Pepper spoke up, using her best CEO take-charge voice. "Bob, how much do you want for your submarine?"

"It's not for sale. Why?"

"Because Stark Industries needs it. Now."

"Pepper," Tony whispered. "Don't even think about it." It had to be hard for him to whisper when he probably wanted to yell.

"I'm still CEO and I will protect our assets. There is no Clean Energy Program, no Stark Industries at all, without you." Not to mention, she couldn't handle it if anything happened to him. There was no way she could stand by and wait if he was in immediate danger of having his reactor yanked.

Bob swiveled in his seat and gave her a huge grin. "Miss Potts, my sub is at your disposal. Tell me where you want it."

"The plan was to dock with the Villa, right? Do it now."

"You got it," Bob said, directing the bow planes into diving position. The sub angled down.

"The plan was," Tony hissed through his teeth, "for War Machine to come through that hatch. These guys have machine guns."

Pepper decided to do an end-run around Tony. "JARVIS, if we can get the suitcase armor to Mr. Stark, it will be fully functional, right?"

"As long as Mr. Stark retains the arc reactor in his chest to provide power, you are correct, Miss Potts."

"Traitor," Tony griped at his AI, but only halfheartedly. "It's still too danger—Mute!"

"Who you talk to?" a heavily accented voice interrupted. Pepper didn't like how close he sounded to Tony's ear.

"No one. Myself." Tony's voice was normal volume again. "See? Radio's off. Not talking to anyone."

Just then, a loud explosion sounded over the open JARVIS channel. Pepper jumped. Bob and Mike both flashed horrified looks.

"One down," Rhodey said. "But there's still two more. Go on without me."

Pepper didn't mention she had already started to, whether he liked it or not.

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