War Path

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Adopted from   Naruko7877

Minato and Kushina were pissed when the third Hokage revealed what their son went through. They wanted to kill and maim the civilians who tortured their son, but they wanted to locate their boy so they can be a family again.

"I'll take you to my office to get the much needed details that you may probably want from the fools who dishonored your wishes." The Third Hokage Said. He knew that Minato and Kushina weren't happy, but he didn't care. Besides it's time for them to learn the truth of what actions those fools did to Naruto.

When the exited the Hospital, Everyone stopped and stared before crowding around the Fourth Hokage and Kushina.

"Lord Fourth..You're Alive!!Now you can help us find and kill that demon." A villager said. The other villagers nodded and didn't notice the livid expressions on their faces.

"Demon? I don't remember my son being a demon." Minato Said with a sneer. The villagers stoped talking and stared at them with widened eyes. They didn't realize that Naruto was the Fourth's son and now they're being filled with guilt.

Meanwhile Minato, Kushina and the Third Hokage made it into his office where he immediately called Teams 7, 8, 9 and 10 along with the two councils plus the elders.

When everyone arrived their mouths went agape in shock because the Fourth Hokage and his wife were alive and well.

"Sensei..You're alive!!" Kakashi Exclaimed.

"Yes. My wife and I were in a coma and when we awakened I was hit by some terrible news that you guys can help me with." Minato Said.

"What new was that?" A clueless Civilian Council member asked.

"Why did you people torture my son?" Minato Asked.

"We never tortured your son." The Civilan Council Exclaimed.

"My Son was named Naruto who was also called a demon brat by you clueless civilians." Kushina Said.

"That demon can't be your son." Kakashi Said. Minato glared at Kakashi and punched him hard.

"It seems like you have been listening to the words of the Civilian Council Kakashi. Naruto is my son and anyone with half a brain could see that if you remove the whiskers." Minato Said with a sneer. When he finished everyone had their heads down with regret. They abused the Fourth's son and now he's disappointed in them.

"I could kill you guys right now, but there are still more pressing matters to be taken care of." Kushina Said.

"What is that?" Sakura Asked. 

"To find my son of course. We've missed out on the first 12 years of his life and it's time for us to reconnect and be a family. You and your teammates along with the other teams will follow us to find him so you guys can apologize for all of the things that you placed him through." Kushina Said.

"We never did anything to Naruto!!" Kiba Exclaimed. Only to be faced with a glare from both Kushina and Minato.

"Oh really. Then explain to me why the third said that you guys bullied him for being a clanless orphan. Or how some of you hit my son for no reason at all." Kushina Said.

The genins looked down in shame at their actions and started to think of ways to make it up to Naruto when they find him. Not knowing that Naruto would be different and more powerful than they are.

Author Note:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Do you guys want more Kakashi beatings?

Bye 👋 

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