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It's the middle of the night and Taehyung still didn't sleep for even a second, the younger lingers on his mind, keeping him up.
He doesn't want Jungkook to wake up with pain in his neck, back and whatever other parts of his body. A sigh leaves Taehyung's lips, struggling with himself if he should wake the younger or not, if he should ask if the younger wants to join him in his bed. That isn't weird right? A straight boy sleeping in the same bed as a gay boy.

Never mind it is weird.

Taehyung turns onto his stomach and kicks his feet like a toddler that's throwing a fit, his face burried into the pillow.
Taehyung stands up, walking over to the living room and wake the younger. He crouches down next to Jungkook's body and brushes his bangs out of his face, lightly shaking his shoulder.
"Kookie-ah... wake up.."
A groan leaves the said boy's lips, tossing and turning before almost slapping Taehyung in the face due to wanting to rub his eyes.

"W-what? What time is it?"
His raspy voice sends shivers over Taehyung's spine, his honey skin covered in goosebumps.

"Don't worry, but just please come sleep in my bed.."
Jungkook scrunches his nose and sighs,
Standing up to walk half sleepy towards Taehyung's bed.
But before Taehyung knew, Jungkook was already back to sleep.

"Morning Jungkook!"
Taehyung wakes the boy in a singing voice, a plate with bacon and eggs on the nightstand.

"Is that.."
Jungkook rubs his eyes, sitting up before opening his eyes fully.

"That's for you, eat up and take a shower if you want to."
Jungkook smiles softly, one eye shut and the other fully open to look at the elder.

"Thanks, Taehyungie.."
Taehyung blushes and walks off to clean the kitchen. 

Taehyungie.. Taehyung smiles at himself while rinsing the pans he used and putting everything in the dishwasher, when he hears the water running in the bathroom he smiles at how the younger actually trusts him in a short amount of time. Taehyung would never shower at someone else's house without trusting them just a little bit.

"Oh my god i totally wrecked your ass!"
Jungkook laughs and slaps the armrest of the couch once, playfully shoving Taehyung's shoulder, making the elder giggle at his actions.


"I let you win!"
Taehyung smiles brightly and points at the game playing on his tv.

"Sure TaeTae."
Jungkook winks and smiles like a bunny, making the older feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"He's kinda cute though.."

The diary flashes in front of his eyes, the heartbreaking sentences and the words about Taehyung make him almost tear up. The fact that his dad left them at a young age and that they're all alone now breaks his heart into a million pieces, each telling a different story.

"What are you thinking about?"
Jungkook seeks for eye contact, smiling sweetly.

"J-just about your book, what is it?"
Jungkook gulps, an embarrassed smile taking it's place.

"It's uhm.. a journal.. yeah.. that's it."
Jungkook rubs the back of his neck, knowing that he's a terrible liar and who the fuck writes a journal? Like damn Jungkook, couldn't you think of something better?

"Aha.. what's in it? I'm curious."
Jungkook takes a deep breath, deciding wether he could tell the elder or not.

"Actually.. it isn't a journal.. my dad gave it to me when i was a kid, it's a diary.. thanks for not reading it, I appreciate it a lot since there are pretty private things in it. Promise me you won't tell anyone that i own a diary?"
Taehyung nods, a friendly smile and sparkling eyes tell the younger to relax.

"I am so not going to be able to keep this a secret."
Taehyung screens into his pillow after Jungkook left.

"Fuck me."

I'm leaving for London tomorrow! I hope you don't mind that the chapter is a lot shorter than normal but i'll make the next one longer!

Lots of love♥️

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