You choose

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Day one, you carve a long thin line into the wall hot tears pricking your eyes once again. It was so quiet in the little farm you where sent to. Everything was unfamiliar, the scents, the smells. Tou don't remember anything about yourself, why you're here, who you where.

There is food in the makeshift kitchen, not allot but enough. Cows and other animals in the barn, a patch of dirt for the garden. The farmyard was prepared in advance for the work of farmers to survive. But you where alone. No one was here to keep you company, keep you sane.

Day 6, almost a full week, as you carve another line. Still only you. The food in the kitchen is dwindling and you started a small garden for yourself, you take care of the animals but know in the back of your mind you won't be able to butcher.

There is still no other soul but your own and you have began to talk to yourself, you fear for your sanity but sometimes wonder if it really matters, who is to notice you loosing your mind?

Day twelve, you have determined to yourself that you will survive here you believe there is a purpose for you and you will find it.

The weather youhave noticed is always the same, day and night same temperature, same lack of clouds. You remember the rain, and wish it would come, even just once. You want to feel something other then this almost perfect temperature.

Day 12 you decided today you would try. you have been watching the doors open and close for two weeks, the time they open, and when they close. You knew exactly when you needed to be back. But when it came time, you didn't. The unknown of the ivy walls Beyond you safe little farm scares you, you couldn't make yourself move past it. Again you are stuck.

Day 15 you can't. What was the point? You hear things at night, you have only yourself and the cows. You won't live like this anymore. You can't see past today, and you want to know what you did. How could anyone deserve this pain, this suffering? where you a criminal? Did you kill spmeone? is that why you are here, because you stole a life from another so they stripped you of the memory of yours and put you here to rot? but even still, no one deserves this.

Day 23 you're hands shook and you thought you would be sick. You couldn't believe what you did, it felt like a crime. You had to do it's you repeated to yourself over and over. You where out of food the garden wasn't growing, you had no choice.

You thought it would be fine, you where going to survive and this was apart of surviving, but it was far from fine. You had never done this before all you knew was it was going to be bloody. You held the large knife those used for butchering, and picked at random, sealing the fate of an innocent being.

You didn't expect so much blood, and you threw up, once, twice, three times you felt the bile burn your throat. You could feel the knife cutting and it hurt with every minute. You cried and the only thing pushing you to keep going was the determination that either it lived or you did. But it made you sick.

Day 30 something was wrong. An alarm sounded blazing through the empty farm and ringing in your ears. It came one with no warning and the fear it birthed was suffocating. But the worst was the silence that followed .

You armed yourself, waiting for the worst. 'This was it' you thought. What ever you did,Whoever put you here they where back. You where going to be condemned to your fate. You thought for sure you where going to die today.

A half hour passed. You sat, then paced then sat, fidgeting constantly. You where beyond tense and you felt tears wash over you periodically. Eventually it came.

It was a box. The box you arrived in. You just stared at it, the gaping hole you crawled out of, where it all began. You where afraid to open the steel cage, touch the metal handle, but you did.

Opening it you where shocked. The box wasn't empty, you didn't expect it to be, but you where still taken aback. There lying in the box was a person. A boy not far off the same age as you. He stared back at you, he looked as terrified as you felt.

Holding your knife in you dominate hand, sweat dripping on your forehead you showed that you where armed. The boy didn't move, just stared terrified. You wanted answers. You wanted memories. You looked the boy in the eye and spoke.

"Who are you." Your voice was raspy from lack of use, talking for the first time in a month. The boy blinked silently then spoke.

"I don't remember."

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