Chapter 4 - LIZ

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I come out of the shower wrapped in my towel and in the steam of the hot water. It is still hot in the large room until all the heat escapes through the windows.
The toilet block is quiet at this hour, there's no one there. I then leave the small cabin that serves as my cloakroom. There is no one around the sinks either. I squeeze my towel against my body and walk towards them before standing in front of a mirror. I look at my body as it slowly begins to tan along and across. Then I run my hands over my face and comb my eyebrows with a finger.

I see him in the mirror, moving slowly, beating the steam to the rhythm of his steps. I smile and turn around to him. His regular red polo shirt suits him well.

-Well, well, well. What's a boy doing in the girls' bathroom? Is it even legal? Or are you going to be arrested for voyeurism?

-I could live dangerously all my life if I have the chance to see you get out of the shower every day.

-Shut up, you're cute. I don't date cute boys.

-So, I'm going to leave.

One of his little brown curls runs through my fingers. He walks away backwards, pretending to leave.

-Come back Gabe," I whispered quietly.

He reverses and comes back to stand in front of me. He takes my chin between his fingers and leans towards me. The towel on my hair falls off. Never mind. I don't want to stop this moment, it would ruin it. He delicately puts his lips on mine. Like a flower petal that would fall to the ground. He kisses me, I kiss him. It is our warm breaths that are exchanged in our mouths.
It may be the shiver that runs through me or my breath that is shortening that makes me withdraw at some point. I move away to look at it better, in its entirety. My eyes go from her brown curls to her thin pink lips to her brown eyes. Maybe he's doing the same thing I am: saying nothing and contemplating me. My eyes stop at the little handwriting in his polo shirt at his chest. "Monitor". He is the youngest of them.

-So, what's my favorite monitor got planned for tonight? I ask as I pass my fingers over the writing.

-Well, he's hesitating between spending an incredible evening with his girlfriend or... or nothing at all.

-Aren't you coming to the campfire? I have to meet Oliver and Suzy there and...

-Well, then, can I ask you to leave your friends for a night out? We never have time to see each other.

I accept. A little reluctantly, since on the one hand Gabe's argument is infallible: we've been able to agree on a few minutes here and there for the past three weeks. And on the other hand, it's Oliver's birthday today. I wanted to be with him every minute, I wanted it to be perfect.
A little sad, I go into the small cabin to put on a t-shirt and shorts quickly. When I come out, Gabe puts his arm around me and we leave the bathroom.

Outside, there are only a few clouds of pink clouds left. The sun has disappeared, the full moon illuminates the darkness of the forest that surrounds us. Which almost swallows us up. Gabe takes a flashlight out of his shorts pocket, which he wears like a rather cheesy star from the 80s. On and scattering its white light, it places it under his chin. The exhibition gives it a demonic expression. He smiles and it looks even more terrifying in the dark.

-Come with me, I'll show you something.

He takes my hand and leads me to one of the small forests in the camp, the one next to the lake. I've never been this way, there's nothing there. Gabe walks fast, I almost have to run to keep up with him. I feel like I've been running all day.

I focus my attention the rest of the way on my feet lit by my boyfriend's flashlight. I avoid all stumps and branches of nettle or rose bushes. Gabe, on the other hand, seems very comfortable here. It's as if he already knows the way to... to I don't know where else. As if he had already done it over and over again.

The sound of his footsteps guiding me stopped at a moment and the next second I collided with his back. It stopped abruptly because we arrived at our destination. I look up.

-Oh, it's the hangar! I didn't think it still exists, I thought it had been demolished.

In front of us is the old hangar. I thought it was a kind of legend since I've never ventured there before. It's quite far from the camp even if it stays within its walls and the forest you have to cross to get there is a little scary. His taules are all rusty, I wonder how he can still stand. Monitors have always said that it is used to store furniture or equipment.

I'm approaching it, Gabe on my feet. There, at least, we are lit by a small lamp above the door of the building. Even if it wavers, you can see where you're stepping.

-We were never allowed to come here.

-Neither did I when I was still a "child" but we may have had a few parties from time to time...

I turn to him.


-The first night I spent here, when I was fifteen, the older guys organized a huge party in the middle of the night. It was incredible to me.

He leans against the wall, next to me, and gives it a little pat.

-It's always been good times in the hangar," he says with a smile on his face.

I look at him from the corner of my eye, his head against the wall and illuminated by the light above him. He's handsome, I really love him.
I slip a little further beside him before I kiss him. Slowly. He lets himself be carried out and then, he puts his heart into it too and all this gets a little more heated. His hand passes through my hair and then over my body, he underlines my curves with his fingers. It feels good to touch. I do the same.
Suddenly, he takes me by the waist and switches our seats. I find myself against the wall and he tackles me against it while he kisses me. I give a little laugh before her lips land on mine again.

From the corner of my eye, I think I see his left hand looking for something behind me, but I don't pay attention to it. I close my eyes and let myself be carried away by the rhythm of his movements. But suddenly, I hear something where his hand was a few seconds ago. Something squeaky. I don't have time to turn around, it's like the wall against my back is slipping away. I feel the emptiness behind me. And the darkness.
I scream, scared. I look briefly at Gabe who puts his hands on my shoulders. He's not afraid. He's pushing me. I enter the darkness of the large hangar, screaming as he closes the door. My hand touches the handle without being able to grasp it. The door slams, I can't see it anymore. I can't see anything anymore, it's too dark. It looks like darkness.

I don't have time to get to the door. If I could have, I would have crushed my fists on it and screamed. I don't have time to scream either. I feel something coming down on my mouth, it's suffocating me. And I feel like I'm being grabbed in the shoulders and arms too. These things pull me out, they drag me out. I feel my body hitting something cold, I think I fell to the ground. I'm in pain, I'm trying to scream, but the darkness is getting darker and darker. Everything I see becomes black and only black.

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