chapter 3- be my girlfriend?

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Kari POV

Me and Tk went to our usual places where we go when we hang out. We went to the park first and talked about the past, how stupid our brother can be at times, the digital world and other stuff. But I kept thinking about what Tai said this morning do I have a crush on Tk I mean he has matured a lot and I always feel safe around him, and those blue eyes are to die for and I got to admit he is kinda cute " Kari you ok" I snap out of thought  when I hear Tk voice " oh um yea just thinking about something" he smiles he has such a amazing smile  " hey Tk can I ask you somthing?' " sure what is it" I take a deep breath " remember that day when I got transported to the dark ocean and you said you wouldn't let anyone take me without a fight what did you mean by that" I may have been seeing things but it looked like he was blushing but I couldn't be sure " well like I said before I care to much about you to let anyone or anything take you" I smile " and can I ask you one more thing?" he nods " do you like anyone?' "now that you mention it yea I do and I had for a very long time what about you?" i feel my cheeks turning red " well yea but I don't know if he feel the same way about me" I say depresed knowing I know that Tk he doesn't like anymore then a friend. 

But then I feel an arm around my shoulder " who wouldn't like you Kari you beautiful, funny, smart and the most perfect girl I've ever meet" I look at him and our eyes meet " kari who do you like?" I take a deep breath look down at the ground   " I like you Tk and I understand if you like me back" he put my head " The truth is Kari I like you too and did since the day I meet you so all i'm ask is do you want to be my girlfriend" Without think I jump and hug him " I would love too" 

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