chapter 5- after dinner games and comforting confessions

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time skip to when their at mimi house 

Tai pov 

"Man the food was amazing" Davis said  before sitting on the couch. " thanks" Mimi says with a giggle Man  her laugh is adorable- snap out of it  Tai  shes your friend  " so what should we do now'  I ask " I have an idea lets play truth or dare" Kari says, everyone agrees so we start playing

" who wants to go first" kari asks " I'LL GO KARI !!!" yells davis "uhh ok truth or dare"  "dare" he says with confaidence    " hmm ok i dare you to call you sister and tell her that Matt and Sora are dating" Davis face looked like he had seen a monster " but-but shes gonna go crazy when she hears that Matts taken" 

" its a dare you have to do it" she says with a smirk  davis sighs " anything for you kari" before he could call Mimi stoped him " doesn't Jun already know their dating?" Mimi asked confused " You see Meems when Matt asked Sora out we all agreed not to tell her because she would try to ruin the relationship but since they've been dating for about a year now i think she can know" I tell her " oh that makes more sense" she say's.  

After the call

" shes gonna annoy the hell out of me when I go back home" davis said when laying on the floor " anyways who want to go next" he says sitting back up " I guess I'll go" I say " ok Tai truth or dare" ' truth" " Geez Tai I thought you would choose dare since you have the crest of courage" Matt say teasingly elbowing me  I roll my eyes " do you like anyone?" davis ask with a smirk on his face I let out a sigh should of expected that  coming " nope and probably never will I really don't have time to be in a relationship" I say in a matter-of-fact tone " can't say I'm in shock you rejected every girl that's asked you out" Izzy says jokingly " hey I'm not the only one Matt and TK  also do" I say defensivly " well the difference is Matts dating Sora I like some" Tk says Looking at Kari and giving her a soft smile looks like somthing happened between them I'll ask Kari about it later "yea yea whatever" I say sarcastically

Mimi POV

I really don't have time for as relationship For some reason those word hit like bullet. I had a feeling that it would of took him a while to get over Sora but I didn't expect him not want to be in a relationship or reject every girl who's asked him out. I guess Kari saw that I was upset and told everyone that they should all get going now since we all had school in two days and none of them probably finished any homework that they were given. Even thought everyone complained they all agreed it was for the best got going while Sora and Kari helped me clean up, well more like stayed back to ask me why I was upset. I told them I was fine but they didn't belive me 

" Mimi you look upset can you tell us whats wrong?" Kari asked in a soft voice " I think I know whats wrong with her, its Tai" Sora said " what does my brother have to do with this" Sora looked at me asking if it was if she told Kari. At first i was going to say no since she's crushes little sister but then again I knew I could trust her. 

After a minute of staying quiet I said " you can tell her I trust her" " if you say so, basically Mimi has a crush on Tai and I guess hearing that he's rejected every girl and is probably never going to be in a relationship made her upset" Sora said,  Kari was about to say something but I cut her off " i know it's stupid"  she looks at me and gives me a soft smile " it's not stupid at all, it's normal to feel upset when you hear crush say he's not gonna date anyone we know exactly how you feel" I looked at her with a confused look " we?" " yep before I told Matt I had feelings for him almost every girl tried asking him out but he turned them so eventually I thought there's no point of confessing months later he asked me out" Sora said " oh yea I remember you called and told me but what about you kari?" " well I guess I always had feeling for TK but never bothered showing it since it would risk our friendship, but also cause almost every girl in our grade liked him so I thought I didn't have chance since he rejected all of them, but that all changed this afternoon when we went to the park and he told be had feelings for me and asked me to be his girlfriend which I said yes to" Kari said blushing at then end " so you and TK are now a thing" I say in more of statement way then questioning way " I guess we are but don't tell anyone we were gonna tell you guys on monday"  me and Sora tell her we won't say anything, " What were trying to tell you Mimi is not to give up hope yet you still have a chance maybe even sooner the you think" Sora  says " I guess you're right I feel better now thanks guys"  " anytime meems if you wan we can stay over" " no it's okay you guys should get going it getting late, I'll see you both on Monday" and with that Sora and Kari said goodbye and told me if anything I could call them and left.

I looked at the time it was only 10;30 but I really tired so I went upstairs to get ready for bed. I put my hair in low ponytail, removed my make-up and changed into my pj's which were a black shorts and an over sized shirt. It took me a while to fall asleep since I have this bad habit of over thinking before sleeping maybe Sora and Kari are right I shouldn't loose hope yet I mean maybe I still have a chance After a while I finally feel asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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