|Memory 1|

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You cover the mouth of your little brother as you heard the footsteps getting closer, and closer to the arcade machine, which made an unbearably annoying song. As you hid behind the machines you could feel the electrical cords trapping both your feet, you struggled to keep you and your brother from crying, you heard the monster searching for you. The poorly made mascot, whistled a tune.

The costume was gigantic, it wasn't big , and you were sure that whoever was inside of it was thinner than the norm, that didn't make him any less terrifying. The suit was probably a spare one, it seemed handmade. It looked yellowish with brown spots, and had some obvious stitching around the arms and legs.

It had a purple bow tie and a vest with some stars on it, its face was cute in a way well at least it was enough to lure you and your brother. Its big smiling mouth contained two buck teeth and seemed to be stuck into this smiling-like-grimace, it also had a small shiny snout and two big rabbit ears. Its eyes were magenta and looked quite derpy which would have made you laugh if the situation was different. But right now, they just seemed sinister, and in the bright lights surrounding them you could have swore they changed to azure.

And this thing was....whistling a little tune. With a voice that obviously didn't belong to an animatronic but to a grown man. A deep and warm voice, almost reassuring, if it wasn't searching for you and your little brother.

This made Fritz cry harder, and you, were beginning to accept your fate. The cry of your little brother made the yellowish mascot turn its head slowly and calmly in your way... The only thing separating it from both of you were the row of arcade machines, and the electrical cords which were beginning to tangle your brother and you.

It effortlessly pushed the machines away, walking steadily towards the both of you, still whistling the annoyingly calm tune that was also getting on your nerves. Your brother glanced at you, terrified. Fritz gasped loudly, if the thing hadn't spotted you beforehand, it definitely did now.

« Run. »

As soon as you muttered the word, your brother began to entangle his feet from the electrical cords, and ran as fast as he could with his short legs toward the restrooms. You, on the other hand ran as fast as your legs could carry you, toward the backstage, you heard feet made of foam running towards you, you knew it was you he would run after, it was obvious, you were the less discreet one, as well as the nearest prey to the exit.

I am free !

That's what you would have shouted if a fluffy yellow hand, dirtied by dried blood, didn't grab your shoulder as you were in front of the stage.

« You trust me, right ? »

Have you gone crazy, or did you really hear it say what you think you heard. You really didn't mean to, the logic solution would have been to agree with the mascot and not argue and try not to anger the yellow rabbit, but, your frustration and fear accumulated just made you scream one of the dumbest answers of your life

« No! Fuck off weirdo! »

No, of course the answer was no, and yet the dirtied mascot seemed to be surprised and enraged by your answer. Which made it grab your shoulders and push you to the floor, this made you gasp as you hit your head and back against the cold hard ground. It cackled as you felt tears running down your cheeks, and blood in your hair.

You tried to get up but the rabbit pushed you back down with one foot, keeping it on your chest. You struggled to breath yet adrenaline pushed you to get up, so you rolled from under its foot and began to crawl away. You heard your own breath it was so loud and frantic, but you also heard the steps following you. A laugh was heard from the bunny.

« Wow, you sure are fun! Too bad you're so weak. What a waste. »

You felt a foot kick your ribs, which made you turn toward the bunny which was towering over you. You couldn't feel your body anymore, only the blood running in your veins and slipping from your head and mouth. It bent down and pinned you to the floor, that made you panic.

You cried out and began to scream, he put his fluffy, disgusting hand on your mouth and began to strangle you, almost crushing your throat pipes and making you struggle to breath and scream. You tried to remove its fluffy hands from your throat, clawing at its mask, and even trying to bite its arms. This didn't work, it was too strong for you.

Only gurgles came out of your throat now, your vision slowly faded to black, effectively making you black out. The last thing you saw before passing out was the creepy yellow rabbit with blue, almost purple eyes putting a finger in front of Its mouth.

« Shhhhhh..Do you trust me now ..? »

« Fuck... off... »

Despite his best effort, the answer in your mind as you lost consciousness was still and always 'no'. And if you could still have talked you would have almost certainly breathed out the unchanging answer .

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