|Memory 12|

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It's already been one month since your mother has passed away.

Other members of your family tried to take you in, or to support you during your grief, but you refused any help from them. They sent you money, flowers and other useless things, it was almost as if it was you, who died. Henry and his wife decided to take you in, and take care of you until you're well enough to own the house you lived in with your mother.

A lot of things has happened, most of these things, you missed.

You missed the opening of 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria', you also missed Halloween and Thanksgiving. Henry insisted on you getting out of your room and to try and get some fresh air, but you also refused. You just stayed inside the room Henry gave you, which used to be a guest room, the room had unpainted walls and a wooden floor. You didn't really care about its state anyway, because what mattered was that you had a sketchbook and pencils to draw. In the room was also a window, so you tried to distract yourself by drawing the outside world and random people you'd see in the small neighborhood.

You also read some books that Henry gave you, you even drew some models for the animatronics thanks to Henry's sketches of Bonnie. Truth was that you tried your best to distract yourself, the grief was stronger than you and you didn't know how long you could take it anymore.

Today was the fourth of December, and it's been exactly two months since your mother has died from a cardiac arrest.

Your arms have healed quite a lot too, you were not obligated to wear bandages anymore. That did not mean it was completely healed though, they still sometimes twitched randomly and it hurts to move too much.

You had no news of William, which was good because you didn't want to know about him anyway. You knew it was Elizabeth's birthday not so long ago and that's about everything you knew about the Afton family.

You sighed and teared the page away from the sketchbook, another one where you forgot to put the spring locks on the neck. Your thoughts were too messy to be concentrating on your work so you decided to get up from your desk, putting your slippers on and adjusting your pyjamas pants back up. It was two in the afternoon and you were about to take yet another nap, well that was until you heard a quiet knock on your door.

« - Enter, it's open..»

You sighed tiredly, sitting on the soft bed that called your name and wanted you to lay on it. Henry entered the room quickly noting your messy hair, dark eye bags and ugly pyjamas before sitting next to you on the small bed.

« - Hello y/n, how have you been doing ?

Inquired Henry with a warm smile, you just coughed and grinned awkwardly,

- As usual, not very good, but better than yesterday, i guess. Anyway, why did you come here?

Henry looked at you nervously and began to stammer almost as if was scared to hurt you with what he was about to ask next,

- Well, um.. you see, y/n dear.. I noticed that you haven't gone outside yet or even tried to take care of yourself and i know it's hard but.. uh ..well.. what do you think about erm.. Taking care of the kids today? I mean ! Maybe it will do you some good to play with them and have a little fun inside of the pizzeria ? I am so-

You cut him off quickly before he began to rant, and alleged with a sad smile on your face,

- Henry it's okay..i can take them to the pizzeria. It's about time that i face everything that happened anyway.

- I kno- wait, really? You agree? For real ?

Henry asked, surprised by how cooperative you were,

- Yeah, plus i need to thank you in one way or another for putting up with me..

Your eyebrows furrowed as Henry just put a hand on your shoulder with a small smile,

- Thank you y/n, you're a good person. And i hope you know everything that happened wasn't your fault.

You cringed a little at the mention of the traumatic events,

- I- I know Henry..

- Alright, i'll tell the kids to get ready while you.. freshen up a little. I will also drive you all to the pizzeria, okay ?

- Okay but Henry, relax a little. Stop stressing yourself out.

- Okay, okay. »

Henry got out of your room and closed the door behind him.

You got out from the bed and stretched your back and arms, a soft pop coming from them. You took out from your drawer some simple black pants, a striped red and black shirt, and finally some long black socks and underwear. You then walked slowly to the bathroom that was next door, entered it, and closed the door behind you.

You removed your pyjamas, and threw them into the laundry bin next to the bath. You entered the shower, turning the water on, and suddenly cold water fell on you. You hissed slightly but the cold water slowly turned warmer and warmer, making you sigh in relief. You slowly cleaned your h/l hair and body, finally taking care of yourself.

After that you got out of the shower, put your clothes on, and brushed your hair to try and tidy them the best you could, you also brushed your teeth, hygiene is important. You quickly looked in the mirror, and sighed melancholically, your eyes were red from the crying and unbalanced sleep schedules, and your body also seemed thinner than before. You tried to smile at your reflection, but the only thing appearing on your face was a pitiful lifting of your lips.

You quickly rushed out of the bathroom, ran down the stairs, almost tripping, and struggled to put on your black shoes that were in front of the door, waiting for you to finally wear them.

You got out of the house, closing the door carefully behind you and ran to the car where Henry and the twins were waiting for you excitedly. You entered to the car and sat in the front seat, next to Henry, who happily asked the twins and you,

« - Are you kids ready for Freddy ?

The twins smiled, showing almost all their teeth, and beamed,

- Yeah! »

You just giggle slightly, amused by Henry's goofiness. He was at least twenty years older than you and yet still seemed to think like a child.

And so he started the car, and drove all of you to the pizzeria, joking and laughing during all of the drive. They were just like family to you, Sammy and Charlie were basically like siblings to you now. And even though you could never forget Fritz, they help you heal a little from your traumas, and you loved them with all your being. Henry and his wife were not like your parents though.. they were more like an uncle and an aunt. You could never replace your parents, you missed them.

Ahem, anyway, you were finally arrived to the mall, it wasn't that far of Henry's house anyway. You removed your seatbelt and got out of the car, admiring the huge building that was in front of you. Henry coughed trying to gain your attention, while Charlotte and Sammy rushed to each of your sides, both held one of your hands.

« - Y/n, watch over them and try to discover the pizzeria a little too, i will come to get all of you back at eight PM, alright ?

You nodded, trying to keep the excited twins from running off,

- Okay, don't worry, i can do that Henry.

Henry sighed, his mouth twitching nervously,

- I know.. I will see all of you later, bye kids !

The twins yelled waving at Henry goodbye,

- Bye daddy !

You just smiled weakly and waved slightly to Henry,

- See ya, Henry. »

The kids then rushed inside the mall and toward the pizzeria at full speed, still holding your hands, and almost making you fall from their speed. You struggled to keep up with them, breathing heavily and sweat running down your temple until you were finally in front of the famous pizzeria.

You could already smell the greasy pizzas, and hear the children laughers .

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