|Memory 7|

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«Can you hear me ?»

You wake up, once again covered in sweats, you looked at your clock, it was only 3 in the morning, urgh, this man truly wouldn't leave your mind, apparently. You go to the bathroom to take a bath, you couldn't go back to sleep, and honestly didn't want to.

Once you arrived in the bathroom you went to the toilet, removed your clothes from yesterday and threw them into the washing machine. They were damp with sweat and smelled like a decaying body, who knows ? Maybe the smell was from William yesterday!
Ahaha.. too soon?

Anyway, you got into your empty bathtub, and turned the faucet on.

Cold water hit your skin, making you let out a yelp of pleasure- surprise, yup surprise, the water was as cold as ice, but it got progressively warmer and warmer, making you finally relax, your h/l hair needed a good washing, so did your s/c skin. You removed the bandages around your hand, there wasn't much blood on them and it was already dry, which meant your arms were beginning to heal, you looked at the stitches on your hand, the scars were going to be moon crescent shaped, the injuries were already beginning to close.

Your naked form got out of the tub, to put the dirty bandages into the trashcan next to the toilets. Your eyes lingered onto the mirror above of the sinks as you replaced the bandages, you really needed rest, your eyes sclera were red from both crying and fatigue, the bags under your eyes which were already quite large before, seemed now huge and almost purple. The nightmares weren't new, you've had insomnia before all of this.

You went back into the bathtub now full of warm water, you eyes became half lidded and you yawned, woah, this bathtub was really comfy and the water was so warm and loving to you. You put your head onto the tub's edge and immediately relaxed. The steam of the water seemed to make your body heavier and heavier.

All of a sudden you heard the front door open, you turned off the faucet, oh god, what the fuck, your eyes were now wide open and a headache began to fill your skull. This was probably mom, but just in case you should probably check it out.. you got out of your bath, keeping the water inside of it, if it was mom you'd probably go back into it after checking if it was her. You took a towel and put it around you, also spilling a little bit of water on the fake wood flooring in the process. You went out of the bathroom and checked downstairs if your mom was there .

«- Mom? Are you here ?

You asked looking around from the railing, the kitchen light was on, you heard a familiar pained groan, A silence filled the room but in an instant a slurry, husky voice filled it,

- Not exactly, miss l/n.

That voice was clearly the voice of a man and it was a little too recognizable for your taste,

- Aaah-

You began to scream, he revealed himself with a glass of water and a hand on his forehead,

- Hey calm down, it's only me, William-

That didn't help,

- AAAAH! What the fuck are you doing here Afton ?!

You cursed the man who looked at you, his eyes red and half lidded, your face was red from the embarrassment and anger,

- I got lost, where is your mom?

That made you snap and giggle a little, you really didn't want to see the man more than you did yesterday, but you also liked to see him suffer,

- Okay first, how did you get lost ? Second of all why me a twenty year old woman who you called a "child",  and not Henry and lastly, HOW DID YOU GET INSIDE OF MY HOUSE?!?

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