| oneshot: 1999 Mike | Let the man know you love him.

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| Note: y'all this gets SEXUAL and a little crude, so beware of the mature themes ahead. enjoy! |

The backstage was full of roadies, along with a table of refreshments and food. The band members of Mr. Bungle were all stationed back there, red solo cups in hand full of alcoholic beverages. Mike sipped on his cup of Hennessy, practically babysitting his drink as he tried not to down too much. Trevor was in a deep conversation with Trey, whilst Mike talked with Danny Heifetz about the show, among other things. In the corner of his eye Mike spotted two young males enter, with a trusted roadie leading them through. Mike's interest peaked at the sight of them. He continued his conversation, ignoring their presence for now.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that the two young boys finally worked up the courage to approach Mike, nervous yet amused looks on their faces. Mike looked straight at them, his lips twisting into a little smirk as he felt the effects of the alcohol begin to take its course. "Now what do we have here," He said loud enough for the boys to hear, reaching out an arm to snake around one of the boy's shoulder. The young man's cheeks lit up crimson, like he was almost pleased to be in such close quarters with Mike. Clearly they were fans, Mike immediately took notice to that by their anxious behavior and Mr. Bungle t-shirts. "You don't know how much I love you, man." One boy said through a fidgety stutter, his eyes lighting up with admiration. Mike just smiled, keeping his words short and humble, "I'm glad you could make it to the show then, how was it?" The two young fans both looked at each other in amazement. They both responded in unison, "It was awesome!" They said all cheery, one going on to question Mike about his wicked bellowing he did throughout the show in between songs. Mike proceeded to answer their questions, while snapping a few pictures with them.

Soon enough the back room was completely empty, with only the three of them accompanying the once crowded room. It was just Mike and the two fans now, and that's when the crude thoughts began to run wild in Mike's head as he felt this urge, this animalistic longing. He switched subjects, going on to ask the boys if they had any girlfriends. They both shook their head no, and that's when Mike's grin widened, almost like that was cue for him to begin his madness. In one single move, Mike clutched on to one of the young male's arms tightly, bringing him into a wet, sloppy drunken kiss. Mike felt a wave of heat rush over him as their lips touched, a carnal growl emitting from his throat. The teen just stood there, in confusion, allowing Mike to kiss him. The other just watched in utter shock, backing up from them a little bit before he hurriedly exited the room, leaving Mike and his friend alone.

Mike pulled away from the kiss, giving a ruling glare straight into the eyes of the fan.

Through a slur, Mike chuckled a bit, feeling a little rude. "Ah, sorry man. I didn't even ask for your name. What is it, anyway?" Mike arrogantly asked, towering over the smaller male. The fan cleared his throat, answering through a timorous tone. "J-Johnny." He voiced through a crack, trying to hold himself together. Mike looked down at him, placing two hands on Johnny's shoulders as he shoved him down to his knees, moving to unbuckle his belt next. "Well, Johnny. Tonight you're gonna be my bitch, now how does that sound?" Mike whispered imposingly. The boy struggled to respond, almost like he was unable to speak a proper sentence before he forced a response out of himself that would suffice. "Sounds cool.." Johnny uttered hesitantly, beads of sweat beginning to sprout on his forehead.

With that, Mike pulled his cargo shorts down to his ankles, revealing his briefs that held back his obvious hard on. Johnny just stared, unsure of what to do next, though it was plain to see what Mike wanted from him.

"Are you ready?" Mike asked, his stares cutting through Johnny like broken glass. The teen boy just nodded, instinctively extending his lanky arms out, pulling Mike's dick from his black boxer briefs. He positioned it in front of his soft lips, sweat beginning to trickle down his face.

"Now you just have to take the head in a little bit," Mike instructed, his patience diminishing by the minute. "Wrap that tongue around." Johnny listened, following his idol's instructions. He rolled his tongue over the top, engulfing his mouth with the head of Mike's throbbing dick. A low groan could be heard coming from Mike before he placed a hand to the top of Johnny's head, roughly pushing it down a bit. "You gotta go a little bit deeper!" Mike yelled out, keeping the boy's head in place as he slid further down Johnny's throat, causing him to gag.

"Let the man know you love him, boy!" Mike said through gritted teeth, his heart panging in his chest from the overwhelming pleasure. He could feel the fear radiate off of the boy, fueling his sick masochistic desires furthermore. Johnny struggled to breathe before he finally freed his throat of Mike, taking not even a mere three seconds before the madman pushed his hard on past Johnny's lips, shoving it right back down to the back of his throat again. Tears began to form as he was being gagged, his body beginning to quiver under Mike's intimidating gaze. 'He could only take so much more' Johnny thought as he began to slide his mouth up and down on Mike's shaft, making sure to use his tongue as a cushion to hopefully stimulate Mike's desires more quickly. He wanted to be done with this as soon as possible, no matter how much he liked it too. Johnny hated it, but simultaneously felt like he was doing something good. Like this was a way he could thank the man for all of his hard work.  With this thought giving him some strength and motivation, Johnny lapped his tongue around Mike's dick, licking up and down his length, emitting a few gasps of air from Mike before he finally tensed up, shooting a hot load of cum onto Johnny's teary-eyed face. Johnny backed up, wiping the warm juices from his face with a few crumbled up napkins that lay on the floor. He could hear Mike zip his pants back up, along with the jingle of his belt as he buckled it up.

"You did good, this your first time?" Mike asked mockingly, his teeth showing through a smirk. Johnny just nodded once more, getting back up on his feet. Mike rubbed a hand over the boy's arm, trying to show a little bit of affection.

"I'm gonna go catch up with my friend now, it was nice meeting you, Mike." He said half serious, turning opposite of the vocalist, his knees weak and bruised.

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